Bhakta Marcos from Santander

10 years, 3 months ago by marcos in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krisna Maharaja!!
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.


How are you? I hope that you are fine! 

HpS - ASA - AGTSP! We are dying well!

Now im in Santander i will stay here some days more, i will return to Madrid the last days of this month!! All here is OK i cook all the days to my family and they love prasadam, all the days i cook different types of foods and they  like a lot to discover new "spiritual" flavours!!! 
I dont wake up early... (i hope to change this inmideatly), i usually wake up at 7:00 A.M or 8:00 A.M and i start to chant my rounds after the breakfast, the japa is good!! I love to chant near the sea. This days are like my holidays and i use my time to study bhakti sastri, harmonium, read (Now im reading the light of the Bhagavata, is the first time that i read it and i think that it will be one of my favourites books, wonderfull and very beautifull book!),

ASA - If you go to the Archives in the ASA web-site you will find andd index, power-point shows about LOB there!

. . .go to the mountain, meet with family and friends.

Some weeks before to arrived to Santander i went to Canary Islands to celebrate the Ratha Yatra!! Was an amazing experience, the devotees of the islands are awesome! The festival was great and a lot of people come to see the deitys!!! Incredible!!!
I met Bhakti Marga Swami "The walking monk" He is awesome, I admire his motivation to work for Krishna, he is always happy and with many desires to preach about Krisna. He is a big source of inspiration for me. He asked to me if i wanted to do some theatre, i never did theatre, but i thought "If i accept i will pass lot of time with him, ok i will do it" The title of the Drama was "The jagannath history" and i was Indrayumna the king. It was an amazing experience to work with him and the drama liked to all the public!! It was very funny!
After of that i went to New Vrajamandala, to take a course of education (some differents pedagogical methods) with Yadunandana Swami, this course its fantastic, i learn a lot of new things and i remember differents knowledges that i learned in the university. Very positive experience 100% i think that we are going to do the next level in  October or November. 
I miss a lot the continue association with the devotees, i like to have time to read, cook (i like a lot to cook sometimes i cook in the temple, and the last weeks i was in the kitchen helping to prepare the prasadam for the program) but its very hard to stay with out devotees near to you, when the mind attacks me im alone and its very difficult to controll it.
The death can come at any time... im trying to put this idea in myself to develope more attchment to the holy names!! I think that one of the best things to stay far of the temple its that i miss a lot the association with the devotees and to do service that i usually do. I think that its good cause now i have many motivation and a strong desire to return to the temple!!! Its like a lesson that the life gives me to appraise how much important and valuable is the sadhu sangha and the service.
Your servant Bhakta Marcos.

HpS - ASA - AGTSP. Sorry took so long to answer this letter. We got so much behind because of the USA tour. Now what is the news? Back in Espiritu Santu? Initiation? It is so nice that you have so much chance to meet such a big variety of devotees!