10 years, 6 months ago by asa mexico in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Dear Gurumaharaja:

Please accept our obeisances!

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

We learned through the blog being planned dates for some countries in South America for the Education Symposium in early 2015 are very interested to know: is there any chance that this symposium will also be held in Mexico ?

Lord Krishna made His arrangements and under His inspiration Gurumaharaja, we organize the recent seminar, which follow:

Firstly, we thank you for your gracious participation in the recent "Education Seminar: ISKCON in pursuit of integral development" held in the Temple of Sri Sri Radha Madana Gopal - Mexico.

In its course, the speakers presented topics interest us most:

1- "Sastric Education" by Krishna Balarama prabhu

2 "Homeschooling" Aruddha Mataji  and Hare Krishna prabhu.

3.- "Using technology as a tool for education by Crecer  Vaisnava."

4.- "Report of the Sunday school ASA Kids educational program."

5: "Report of the first Symposium. Northern American education Govinda Pramodini dd".

All topics were very good.

"Homeschool" became real interest to our attendees, to share with us the experience of teaching in their own homes with their children Krishna consciousness very effective methods.

Many practical questions about how to do this work in their homes, and to better use technology in education and the work plan of ASA kids.

A great contribution of Krishna Balarama Prabhu about the meaning of "organized education"

I humbly believe that this seminar is a short introduction to the Symposium on Education in South America scheduled for early 2015.

Gurumaharaja thank you very much for teaching us to make the best use the "donkey" and continue our efforts.

Gurumaharaja, devotees of Mexico City, are eager to ask if it is possible to hold its Vyasa- Puja Sri Sri Radha Madan Gopal Mandir?

We pray to the Lord for His protection Nrisimhadeva in the service of our beloved spiritual master.

Please excuse our offenses.

We remain attentive to their instructions.

his servants

ASA Mexico

HPS - ASA - AGTSP. Paoho. We will look for the date of HpS - Vyasa-puja. Your report is super. We are sorry we are weak and maybe distracted by so many things, but we hope by the unlimited mercy of  Srila Prabhupada we will IMPROVE in our flexibility in avoid the witch and always be involved in communicating with you all.

We will look for travel from Mexico to South America.
Are day care centers, Kinder level schools prominent in Mexico? We have a franchise so that devotees can have their 4-5 year old children in their school and also children of other devotees and nice people? Respects to President and Krsna Balarama! This is the greatest Sankirtan!!!