10 years, 3 months ago by Radha Japa in Personal Sadhana Reports

SB 3.21.1 - Vidura said Svāyambhuva Manu dynasty has been greatly appreciated. Oh, adorable wise !, ask you to inform me about that lineage, whose descendants multiplied through sexual intercourse. 


R and F: The way addresses the wise Vidura Maitreya is remarkable. He goes with pleasant words, such as proper etiquette and also you can see the transparent heart of Vidura. We note that the manu Svāyambhuva lineage was much appreciated. 

SB 3.21.2 - The two sons of Svāyambhuva Manu, Priyavrata and Uttānapāda, ruled the world, consisting of seven islands, strictly in accordance with religious principles. 

Pamho Gurudev , TLGASP, TLGASSRMV, Aqui le envio los tres primeros verosso en ingles, perodn por haberselo enviado solo en castellano. Muchas Gracias, para servirlo: radha jp dd.


  R and F: As Srila Prabhupada explains in the Bhagavad Gita, when the government adheres to religious principles everyone is happy. Both the mind and actions of a governing influence throughout the atmosphere. That's why at the slightest difference in a fight kali yuga, because the whole atmosphere is polluted. The four basic principles are: austerity, cleanliness, knowledge and truth symbolizing the four legs of the bull is the symbol of religion. In Kali Yuga have lost three principles: austerity, cleanliness and knowledge and the only principle that remains is the truth. For this reason we must be honest in our spiritual life and naturally we can develop the other pillars of the religion. 

ASA - Applies to the government in ISKCON, no? If we follow this in ISKCON we will become a great society in the world.

SB 3.21.3 - Oh, oh !, brahmana holy, sinless person ! Ive referred to the daughter of Manu name calling Devahūti Kardama wife of the sage, the lord of created beings. 


  R and F: Vidura still going with nice words to Maitreya Rsi, praising its qualities. His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada explains the meaning of the text Six Upadesamrta that: "Unless one is truly devoted, can not see another devotee perfectly," Here we see the purity of Vidura. Also mentioned as wife Devahuti Kardama Muni, who appointed him as the lord of created beings. Mr. Kapila who is Krsna Himself appeared as his son. 

ASA - So who is Gopalito?

Please forgive any offense. Todaslas glories to SS. Hanumat Presaka Swami! 

Your aspiring servant: Radha dd jalpa prati japa.