news from DC

10 years, 5 months ago by Raulmontreal in Special Category A


Please accept our humble obeisances

Dear Maharaja

Thanks you very much for your words of encouragement, they stay in our mind and make their way to our intelligence and heart saving us from the dungeons of maya.  Nice to know you are in Boise and about all the programs you are constantly pushing.  Brings back memories from the time when Srila Prabhupada comented on Vishnujana's decision  to keep the travelling bus sankirtan program after the first bus burned to the ground. "Nothing stops that man"   similarly we witness how your are also unstopable,  jaya !     You mentioned visiting Montreal  jaya !   Radha Manohara are waiting for you!   Please let us know how can we help to make it a reality.

   ASA - HpS - AGTSP paoho. Of course this letter was sent weeks ago. Now we have left Boise and gone to Seattle, San Francisco and back to Nashville. We won't go to Montreal, but we noted in the KDh that we will be n Chicago.

Your lectures on SB and Bhaktivedanta library could benefit the Montreal yatra tremendously.We are going back to Montreal Sept 9.Jammastami in DC temple !

your servant


HpS - ASA - How are you? What is happening?