Hare krishna maharaj !m

10 years, 5 months ago by Alexa in Other

Hare krishna maharaj.

Please accept my humble obiansces. All the glories to Srila Prabhupada! 

Maharaj I hope you are doing  very well, i know you must be very busy  but I just wanted to ask  because  iam not sure if my last letter was sent or not.

In my last letter maharaj I was telling you that i have read the conditions to take refuge with you and become your disciple , ai think Iam doing except for the service at the temple , and i wanted to tell you that iam going to start to do service at the temple. 

I was also asking  maharaj in the last letter if there was any problem with me having taken initiation some years ago from another school, i would say an impersonal school. At that time i thought in that shcool i could get to know God and serve him, but I  did not, and fortunately I found Krishna counciousness movement!!  I wanted you to know this maharaj and know if it is posible for me to take refugee with you. I will have an interview with Mahahari prabhu to define a fixed service at the temple. 

Another thing i was asking Maharaj iwas if you knew if you were going to be in argentina or peru in the summer, and gladly I found out this days you will be here in Argentina in cordoba !! That is incredible news !! Iam looking forward for cordoba :) !! 

Thank you very much maharaj ! I hope your health is very well !! And iam sorry if the letter is repeated but i was not sure at all that it was sent!! 

Maharaj I feel sometimes that iam not rendering myself enough to krishna, that Iam not giving enough . I think i can do so much more but i dont know what is keeping me away from doing it ?? Hiw can i work on becoming better in loving krishna and serving him ? 

HpS - AGTSP. Yes, we did finally get the first one and answer it, no?  Even the Gopis feel that they are not giving the best service to Krsna. So there is no end to that feeling. For us the distraction is probaly lust and for the Gopis it is probably attraction to the mood of Dvaraka or something rather than Vrndavan. Prabhupada says that if we are sincere then Krsna within the heart will give us advice how to advance. Of course, we confirm this with Prabhupada's books and ISKCON devotees et al!!

Your servant 
