10 years, 6 months ago by Bhaktina Romi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja.
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All Glories to you!!
Please accept my humble obeisances to your feet.

WEB and Logo
I send you the sketch of NIOS webpage, and a the logo design.
The text is an example, we can put anything you want. The idea is upgrate the web soon as possible with the information what content the actually and going updating it with the new information.  Do you agree?
If you want to put more thing like other link or specific ítems in the Web please tell me.

BLog stuff.

I asked about the standard for gentleman's in Japa Joe and you said to me, I have to send my doubt by the blog. and a copy of standard for ladies:
Well, here we go...

ASA - Standard for Ladys

by Guy "Uncle" Gismo
President of the ASA Civil Deadman's Society

(rev. 2014 May 26)

1) No, mini-skirts, dresses should be no higher than mid-calf, and usually longer.
2) Only short term contact with the opposite sex for preaching purposes.
3) Should get married by 15-years old ideally but in Kali-yuga get advice from six good people about the sitution. Actually
best thing is to marry Krsna, the King of Vrndavana.

4) Don't talk with weak-minded Dudes in secluded places.
5) Don't bite people. Ask Radharana to ask Krsna and Balarama to protect you. Chant Hare Krsna and be happy.
6) Only listen to music, watch movies, read books that you would see with Srila Prabhupada.
7) Ignore all these rules if Krsna personally tells you to do so.

Thank you. We will try to follow this standard also. Please send your ideas to the Blog.

One more little thing, the Blog was have a search bar, where you can search by word and now have not. Is a shame, because with that, we can put a simple concept ("envy" "gratitude" like that) and can read what u answer about that. Sorry for ask, but it was usefull for me.

Quick report.
16x108 (or more) + 4 ok! 
finish NOI no exam. 

In my next personal letter I will answer all the question you made to me.
Thanks for be patient with me, my selfishness and foolishness have no limits but, by your mercy I can connect with my escence.Hare Krsna. DANDAVATS PRANAM

Thanks for your time and for engage me in service. jay SP!

Your disciple who want to be your servant
Rati-Manjari DD


HpS - ASA --- AGTSP paoho.
1. Monkey and Piggy suggest that you and maybe Candra-mukhi and anyone else should write a "Standard for Boys" for the ASA/ISKCON and they will edit it. (Buck the Butcher and Tom the Trampler)

2. The Web-page needs a Web-master, and team decision about Content. One groups is NIOS-Nashville, another is NIOS-Indological Studies. Our own NIOS work is really ASA right now. We can discuss it with the members here.

We will have to Publish this letter before we can see a full size copy of the picture. All we can see on this letters to answer section is small image. So, we will Publish it and that will send a copy to you and then we will add more thoughts here and Publish that edited version. You will get a second copy then...

.....  Looks more professional. That favors the Indological side. In the Menu bar on the right, after Archives I would add, Bookstall.

Other stuff like details for our local Rathayatra etc. we can put in as separate links in the advertising stuff we do.

Instead of Home I would put Reception Desk.

Your monkey looks like it is doing the Tango.

3. Send another Letter with "What Happened to the Blog Search Button" as the title and lets see if we can get Prahlada's interest?