Marcos from Madrid

10 years, 5 months ago by marcos in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja!!
Please accept my humble obeisances, All glories to Srila Prabhupada!!
Im Marcos from Madrid! How are you? I hope that you are fine in all aspects of your life!!
Here in Madrid all is Ok now the ashram is FULL of devotees and the Mangalartik and Gurupuja  are superextactic, the association is incredible!! Also we have the association of Swamis like Yadunandana Swami and Bhakti Gouravani Swami and senior devotees like Vayasaki Prabhu, Hari Sauri Prabhu, Akrura  Prabhu, Urmila Devi Dasi... and more!!
The principal reason why i write this letter is to give you a report of my sadhana:
5:00-7:30  Spiritual Morning program
7:30-8:00  I usually read some books now im reading: Brahmacarya in Krisna Conciouness from Bhakti Vikasa Swami
8:00-9:00 Gurupuja and S.B Class
9:00-10:15 Breakfast
10:30-12:30 Differents services like: shopping to restaurant, general cleaning, some phone calls, organize all the services of the day, talking with Jaramara about some plans of services for the devotees of the ashram, etc..
12:30-13:50 Studying of Bhakti Sastri, Playing instruments, reading or rest.
14:00-14:30 Checking if all is ready for the prasadam program.
14:30-15:00 Bhajan and conference
15:00- 17:00 Eating, Boutique, Help to serve prasadam, talk with the guests (its deppend of the day)
17:00-19:00 Boutique, reading, studiying, sometimes going to walk to a park... 
19:00-20:30 B.G class
20:30-21:15 Dinner and talking with the devotees about the day
21:30 Readding Teachings of Caitanya Mahaprabhu
22:00 Sleeping

My principal problem is that some days the rounds are some hard cause the dream attacks, i dont sleep cause i start to walk but its difficult to maintain the attention, please could you give some advices of  how could i regulate this? In the other hand other days the rounds are good and i dont have this problem.

                HpS - ASA -- You are falling asleep some days and have to walk to stay awake? It is common problem. Of course, just try to adjust schedule so that you can be rested during Japa time, but if you are tired then maybe you have to walk. So, many little tricks you can try. Try controling your breathing. Chant a certain number of Mantras for each breath, but main thing is to just be sincere and then Krsna will give us intelligence.

My plan for the nexths month is this:
The first week of August i will stay in the ratha yatra of the Canary islands, and the rest of the month i will go to Santander (the city where i was born) to visit family and friends its very possible that Jaramara will go to Santander in August maybe we can do some spiritual program together. Its possible that some devotees of Madrid come this month to Santander... Bhakta Holidays!! and in September i will return to Madrid. Is it ok?

HpS - ASA - Seems fine!

Some weeks ago i read that you have some problem with the dates of Pablo and me (something of a database)... Can i do something to solve this? Whats the situation about this topic? If you need i think that we could send again our dates or what you need...

             HpS - No, we have the information. I sent it to Namacharya Das. Now he has to post it on the Webpage. Thank you.

In the last letter you give me one advice: "Sankirtan according to your nature" How can i know what is my nature? For me this is very difficult, how could i discover this?

     HpS - Well, you can many different services and see what is your nature. Some people like to do grafik arts for Krsna, some are good at management. Arjuna was a Ksatriya so Krsna recomended he serve like that, not retire from the battlefield and write books.

Also, you can ge the opinion of others, devotees, even there are tests in university or from government about what is your nature.

Astrology may help, although Prabhupada said that it is very hard to find a good astologer now.

We can chant Hare Krsna and BG 10.9-11 will happen.

Hope to see you soon!! Some plans to come to Madrid? We are waiting you!!
Thanks for all Maharaja!! Hare Krishna!!


PD: Also i read that you need a Caitanya Caritamrita in spanish maybe this link help you, you can download to your pc, or smartphone. 

HpS - ASA - No, we needed a hard-copy. Soft copy is on