Hare krishna maharaj!

10 years, 7 months ago by Alexa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna  Maharaja ! Please accept  my humble obeisances. All the glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Maharaj, Thank you very much for answering my presentation letter. 

As you asked me, my husbands  name is Fernando Calviño, he is from Argentina , we have been married or almost 2 years ! 

I do not  have any counselling here Maharaj, should I ?   I usually make all my questions to a very kind devotee, Maha sundari Mataji who is my teacher in Bhakti sastri and also a very nice friend with whom and her husband we travelled to Mayapur last year.  

    HpS - ASA -- AGTSP! Sounds fine. Get more advisors little by little. "Victory comes from good advice and good advice comes from many advisors", Canakhya Pandit.

She has been very  compasionate with  me and has been an inspiration and guide and Iam deeply in gratitude with her. 

One of my questions Maharaj is , some years ago before meeting the devotes I was travelling trough India to different ashrams studying yoga, I travelled to Rishikesh to visit some ashrams and there I bought a Gopal deity , not knowing very much about Sri krishna , but i bought it and when i came back I made an altar and ofered him incence and flowers, but without any knowledge , but gradually starting to develope a relationship with the deity , then i started meeting the devotes, reading and Studying the Bagavad gita, learning more about Krishna, learning how to offer the food, and learning that the first deities one has to worship are Gaura and Nitai, so last year when i travelled to Mayapur i wanted to get the Gaura and nitai  deities but at the end i didnt because I felt i was not ready so i came back without them and with the idea of  taking out of the altar Gopal deity, but I could not take him down of the altar , i just could not, so I still worship him with more love and knowledge than before , but I regret so much not having  brought with me Gaura and nitai deities . For me the practice of  worshiping the deities is very important  to conect with  Krishna and develope my love through taking care of them! I really find this practice vey powerfull. I dont fell like stop doing it ! 

So my question is Maharaj, : is   it ok to worship Gopal deity or should i wait to have with me Gaura and Nitai deities and worship them?

    ASA - It is very nice. Look at SB 7.5.23 in the section on Arcanam. You should DEFINITELY have a picture of Srila Prabhupada and Pancha-tattva on the altar so it is clear that we are approaching Gopal in Vraja through them. We are certainly helping them help Mother Yasoda to serve Gopal. If you really tried to serve Gopal directly you would have a heart attack and mental break down on the spot. This baby is DEMANDING!!!

Maharaj I actually also wanted to ask with all respect if it would be posible for  you to be my siksha Guru, if I could get instruction from you for how to evolve trough Krishna counciousnes properly. I know that for having initiation it takes some time , i want to take initiation but i think first i have to do more service ? But meanwhile is it posible maharaj to ask yo to give me instruction in this divine path which I have the fortune to be walking in?  I feel Ready to  follow and commit with instructions to keep growing and Maharaj. 

Thank you very much for the posibility of comunicating with you ! My sincere best wishes 

your servant


ASA - HpS - Have your read our www.jayarama.us/kd/guru-tattva.txt file? It gives explantion of Siksa guru etc. Is is clear????   Thank you!!!!