Presentation letter

10 years, 8 months ago by Alexa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare krishna Maharaj!
Please accept my sincere and humble obeisances. All the glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Dear Maharaj , It is the first time that Iam writting to you because Iam quite new in krishna consciousness. 

My name is Alexa Traugott, Iam 25 years old and Iam from Lima , Peru, at this moment living in Buenos aires for about 5 years now.

I had the good fortune to meet the devotes four  years ago .
Me and my husband , we have a yoga center in Buenos aires and two devotes were taking clases here with us . We often had very interesting conversations with them about Sri Krishna, and we develped so much interest that we decided to do the introduction to bhakti yoga course , and then the bhakti sastri course which Iam stil, doing now and we went last year to Mayapur to kirtan academy for three months to go deeper into our japa practice and learning harmonium and mridangam.

It is now one year that iam practicing japa every morning 16 rounds and following the regulative principles with very much enthusiasm and faith. 

Since I have been back from Mayapur and have been studying the nectar of devotion , it has awaken in my heart deep inside me the necesity of having a guide in this path, because now I have  no doubt that this is the process which will allow me to serve and love purely God and all his expansions. Which is all I really want.

This is the reason Iam writting to you  Majaraj , because I have  been praying to Krishna and to Srila Prabhupada to guide me to the devotee that can help me advance more and serve Krishna better because now Iam very ignorant on how to do it. Very ignorant. 
I have many questions some which are being answered with the study of Bhakti Sastri but other practical questions too.

Iam very sorry for my great ignorance but Iam eagerly to learn ! 

Lastly Maharaj Iwanted to express my gratitude for receiveing this letter and for being able to comunicate with you and express what is in my mind and heart. 
Thank you very much, and again I apologize for the extension of this letter and for all the ofenses i could have made in this writting. 

Your humble servant 


HpS - ASA - AGTSP. Very nice to meet you. What is your huzbanz name??? Please give us some questions for this Blog, but I think many can be answered by the devotees in BsAs!
Who do you have for counseling there?