Hare Rama GM! some News from Bs As

10 years, 8 months ago by Bhaktin Belen S. in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna Gurudeva, All glories to Srila Prabhupada 

All glories to the Panca Tattva. 
All glories to you beloved Guru maharaja!
Please accept my obeisances to your lotus feet.

ASA - Potato feet.

How are you?? How is your health? 

   ASA - Our respiration and heart are O.K. Sometimes we have little arhythmias. Our vision is getting tough. Our skin often has allergy reaction to the summer insects and pollen. Natural for 70% pita. NOBODY is happy in this world. This body is a disease. Only healthy body is a spiritual body. Big challenge is getting a rhythm  of daily eating and sleeping and service so that we can do more service. <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" /> And you??

Sincerily, I don't think that I have some important things to tell you. For that, I had not written you before. Of course I have mental fights of thoughts all the time but trying to convert my mind in my friend although it is very hard. I realized I am a very introspective.. Krsna gives me the answers through my heart and I understand them but it's too difficult to bring them in the practice.

ASA - Yes! That is sraddha, faith. We all have enough knowledge. BG 4.34. Blind faith is condemned. But will we apply what we know???? That is faith, Bhakti! We alllll have this problem.

Srīla Rūpa Gosvāmī mention 64 basic principles in BRS, which 5 are the most important. One of them is associating among the devotees, the most important principle and the most difficult for me. Understanding that devotees have a different moral, more high that people in general, so I create expectation all the time and it's a mistake. I try to say this to my mind so I'm tolerant of devotee's attitudes and I don't say them anything because I think is my mind so. my problem. On the other hand I'm sure I have anarthas too and maybe I'm being disappointing to other people at the same time but I really wish to be better and It's very difficult to me find exemplary devotees to incentivate me to develop vaisnava's qualities -at least one-. Maybe they are in front of me, but I can't see them.

   ASA - Nice standard is four principles, a fruit of devotional service and also a help to our service, like water on the plant. Do the devotees eat meat, kill animals. No, then they are O.K. It will be rare to find more advanced, but they are there. Look.

The point is that sometimes I can't avoid feel a bit sad and lock to myself, maybe to protect myself and wait the mercy of Lord Gauranga comes.

ASA - And Prabhupada. He will also be your friend. You can see him in his picture, Happy, sad with your work! Follow NOI 4-6! Read it. Contemplate it. Apply it. So nice to be able to associate with people who don't eat meat and go to Arati, even if they are only 70% pure devotees.

I can see the mercy of The Lord through Srila Prabhupada's Books which are the most important things that I have because all the answers are there but the mind.. The mind.. oofff.. very hard to control it. I'm very mental person. So Japa is hard too.. not too much when I stay in the temple or when I chant in Japa Joe!!! 

Well, doing Bhakti Sastri. I'm finishing Nectar of Devotion very soon.. 
Today I got my Disciples Course diploma from Online Vaisnava School 
About my plans. jungles, brazil. etc.. I don't want to be anxious for think too much in the future, so.. I will not make plans at present. I will wait a little.
Really hope you come.. Yesterday I dreamed you were coming and I felt sooooooo happy although devotees didn't give me any service to make but it didn't matter so much in this moment haha. No mind in that moment!!! :D

Eternal thanks for your mercy and please forgive my offenses and my english (trying). Amazing that a direct representative of Krsna gives me his refuge. I feel very lucky .. 
Surely, It's just by your mercy without cause.

I am wishing to serve you,

Bktn Belen or Berlin or BB. 

Gauranga! <3


HpS - Very nice to hear from you. Online Vaisnava School is Param-padam Das?

We are adding second foto of Lord Gauranga. One of our favorite.