Tlgs Prabhupada. Hare krishna.

10 years, 8 months ago by Cynthia24 in Special Category A

Todas las glorias a Srila Prabhupada .

Hare krishna maharaja, debido a que es más fácil dirigirse a usted a travez de cartas, lo saludo y espero que su prédica en la misión de Srila Prabhupada sea mejor cada día. Debido a los diferentes procesos de las personas que están en este mundo mejorando su conciencia, estimo lo mejor cada día para seguir sobreviviendo a este mundo material con lo que me queda de inspiración espiritual y tiempo, por eso le escribo para preguntarle , sobre el canto del maha mantra hare krishna, cuando Prabhupada estableció este mantra lo hizo abiertamente considerando que todos podiamos ser beneficiados del canto del amor del señor krishna. Pero por que a veces es recomendable cantar con la guía adecuada, ya que podemos cometer ofensas. ??? por qué a veces es indispensable tomar iniciación de un guru para cantarlo mejor?, puede suceder que nos iniciamos, y caemos o tocamos fondo en nuestro karma, y no continuamos bién, y es mejor no haber tomado esa iniciación.?...       Le cuento, que ahora quiero comenzar a retomar algunas rondas al día, pero yo no sé si esto es beneficioso ya que cantar mantras sin una guía preescrita puede ser perjudicial. La verdad es que me siento muy comoda cantando algunas rondas, por salud, mente y corazón.  Es posible cantar solo bajo el refugio de un maestro como Srila Prabhupada? Me gustaría que hubiera mas actividades de los devotos por acá en Valparaíso, pero se han dejado de hacer programas. .. También quiero contarle que mi hija ya cumplió dos años, y sigo con los estudios de música aplicados a diferentes contextos. .. .. Mis reverencias a su persona y cualidad. Hare Krishna.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada. 

Hare Krishna Maharaja, because it is easier to talk to you travez letters, greeted him and hope that his preaching mission of Srila Prabhupada better every day. Due to the different processes of people in this world are improving their awareness, I think your best every day to keep surviving in this material world with what I have left of spiritual inspiration and time, so I wanted to ask you, on the edge hare krishna maha mantra when Prabhupada established this mantra did openly considering all we could be benefited singing lord krishna love. But sometimes it is advisable to sing with proper guidance, because we can commit offenses. ??? why sometimes it is essential to take initiation from a guru to sing better?, may be that we started, and we fall or hit bottom in our karma, and also did not continue, and it is better not to have taken this initiation.? ... Le story, now I begin to pick up a few rounds, but I do not know if this is beneficial as chanting mantras without prewritten guide can be harmful. The truth is that I feel very comfortable singing some rounds, for health, mind and heart. You may sing along under the shelter of a master like Srila Prabhupada? I wish there were more activities of the devotees here in Valparaiso, but have stopped making programs. Also .. I want to tell my daughter and served two years, and continue with music studies applied to different contexts. My obeisances .... his person and quality. Hare Krishna. 

HpS - ASA --- Por favor utiliza
Lord Caitanya is God. He is the cause of all causes. He knows you better than anyone. He says that by chanting Holy Names people will become purified. It is like eating food. If you eat there will always be some effect, but if you eat according to a good standard then there will be a good effect. At some point you start to get advice from a nutritionist about how to eat. At another level you formally accept him as your instructor and he guarantees that if you follow his diet then you will recover your health. Diksa is this formal contract.
