Bhakta Marco from Mexico DF

10 years, 7 months ago by marco in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja, PAMHO, AGTSP!

I hope this letter finds you in good health. Thank you for putting your instructions in such a clear way through the Guru Tattva link. Now I have a better understanding of how much I have to qualify myself in order to serve you.

I am chanting 16 good rounds almost every day with a few exceptions. If for some reason I didn’t complete them, I do them the next day. Some days I chant even more. 4 principles, well I am always struggling with sexual lust Maharaja. I am so fallen :(

It´s been almost 3 months since I came to Mexico City. Sankirtan is tough most of the time, especially with the wrong consciousness. I do buses most of the time but it gets to a point when I find myself talking mechanically. Books don’t go and I get anxious. I am trying not to forget praying to Krishna and remembering who the real controller is. I would like to develop that mood of prayer of the great Sankirtan devotees, which always protect them. I humbly ask for your blessings so I can keep on distributing Srila Prabhupada’s books.

Now that I’m living on my own I find the attacks of Maya very disturbing. When I was living with the devotees I could control my mind better and I was somewhat regulated. Now it has become a real challenge. I am going to the programs but what I miss the most is the close relationship with the devotees by doing service together. Maybe staying in the temple one day of the week could help? :)

          ASA - AGTSP!  Certainly!!

Another subject that has been in my mind is authority. I still don’t have it clear who should be my authority in Mexico. Should this person by my Siksa Guru formally?

           ASA - There are Brahminical authoritys and Administrative authorities. The Goswamis are our ultimate Br. Author. and the GBC is our ultimate Adm authr. Upadesamrta will give you some idea how to relate to them. Of course, this is practical manifestation of purely spiritual authority within Varna-ashrama-dharma. Temple President can be more advanced devotee than one local Sannyasis but because of formal austerities the Sannyasi is given more formal respect.
You can have a practical relation in Adm. with your local Temple President???

Last month I earned my Hatha Yoga diploma. I’m starting next week in a nearby center. The idea is to introduce people to the Maha Mantra and distribute some books in the process while making some extra Laksmi. We are also having a class on Saturdays in the temple before the afternoon program. Donations are kept inside. Please give us your benediction to proceed with a right consciousness in this new program.

   ASA - Hare Krsna, Hare Rama!

Bhakti-Sastri is also going well. We just finished the first module. Very exciting :)

Please excuse my offenses,

Your aspiring servant,

Bhakta Marco

 <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="" title="smiley" width="23" /> - HpS - ASA ----  Come with us to the next letter!!