I stand before You Maharaja.

10 years, 8 months ago by Jacobo in Personal Sadhana Reports

Esteemed Maharaja. Hare Krishna! Please Accept my humble obeisances. All Glories To Srila Prabhupada.
My name is Jacobo, but almost all devotees know me as Sadhana Dasa.

I am 41 years old. I had the fortune and the mercy to meet you the last year in Nueva Vrajamandala and to attend some of your classes. I belong to the group of Yoga in which was Dandava Das Prabhu and that began to asociate with the movement for Krishna consciousness about two and a half years ago.

I am single and I live in the countryside near Aranjuez, a town to 50km from Madrid. I made a temple in one of the rooms of my house where I daily do my Sadhana.

Almost weekly I attend classes with Dandava Das at his house since about four years ago and we usually read the Bhagavad-Gita.

Yadunandana Maharaja had the mercy to accept me as Siksa Guru about two months ago. I also consider Dandava Prabhu as my Siksa Guru and, just like Maharaja, they are an example and a inspiration to me.

I work as a graphic designer and I collaborate with the Bhaktivedanta Studies Institute since it began, making the advertising and designs for festivities and events. I also make the advertising for the Hare Krishna temple in Madrid where I also have the service of cleaning the Temple every Sunday after the program.

I have been following the four regulative principles for about two years and now I am chanting at least 16 rounds a day. I try to connect to Japa Joe whenever my job allows me and is very satisfying to sing and to listen the Saints Names of the Lord together with you and other devotees.
I´ve been considering for some time to take a step forward in Krishna Consciousness and since You are an inspiration to me, both by your example as well as for your preaching, I would like to take refuge in You if you accept me as a disciple.

I would like if you could please give me instructions that will help me improve my spiritual path and serve You better, as well as Srila Prabhupada and Krishna.

Thank you very much for everything. Greetings.

Your servant.


             HpS - AGTSP Paoho.  So nice to read your bio-data. Have you read: www.jayarama.us/kd/guru-tattva.txt?

If no, then please do and giv us your comments.

We don't have any specific advice now but we certainly try to put all we can into Japa Joe and DTC and these letters/blog.