Hare krsna

10 years, 9 months ago by Bhaktin Fernanda L. in Personal Sadhana Reports

All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
Gurudev Hare Krsna please accept my sincere obeisances

I read about your chest cramp , I hope you feel better .
I'm not so very good writing in English so i hope you can understand this message.

              HpS - ASA --- AGTSP So nice to hear from you. Chest cramps gone. Just general degeneration from old age. That's normal. Then new body, spiritual body!??

Your English is nice so far. Very nice to hear from you!

At this last months has been more difficult to me chant my 16 rounds, maybe it's because not yet developed in me a taste for chanting my rounds, but I have not lost the desire to develop that taste anyway I've been improving lately, I've made ​​a list of those who i do not chanted for "recover it" . I do not dared to write because did not want to bother you with my problems if not to have better news. Four principles are much better now.

I already have 5 ½ months pregnant, last week we did the simantonnaya samskara, a  protection ceremony, was very special to me.
I started my practice with Bach Flower Therapy . And I'm working as a secretary at a center of anthroposophic medicine.  I'm also going to a Gospel choir, where I learn to sing, and also glorify Krsna in the mood of "Hallelujah!" They are very cheerful songs.

We continue with the festival of sankirtan service twice a month , we will have the next one tomorrow, which will be made to raise funds to improve the conditions of the kitchen of the temple, many devotees are joining for that because the municipality put this requirement, please blessings to achieve it.

I will always be trying to get to be your servant and disciple.
please excuse my mistakes.

              HpS - ASA - Very nice. How is your husband? Father? Actually is good news. Seems you are moving in the right direction with a good basis, not just superficial progress. Thank you so, so much for the news of the Yatra! How is your husband making money? He is selling things???
For sure make some fixed number of rounds for a certain time - EG. I will chant 10-rounds every day this week, and then see the result. In that way you can learn how to chant 16-rounds in Heaven or in hell.