More News from New Govardhana Dhama

10 years, 7 months ago by Nityananda-rama dasa in Personal Sadhana Reports

Please accept by humble obeisances, All glories to srila Prabhupada!


The study that I did look at a combination of published writen works and lectures that I accesed through ISKCON Desire Tree, so face to face interaction wasn't needed. Next semester I may get funding to help me get to the temple and do live recordings after morning program. 

Since I last wrote, school has ended and I was able to work out a way to get to the temple on Saturday mornings, so I will be able to see Radha-Giridhari's Lotus Feet more often for the next few months. Their Feet and the sweet. sweet Shila that live at the temple.

I have included a picture of my home altar where I do my chanting and programs that I have here.

I have seen Dayanidhi and his dynasty a few times in the past month and try to keep in contact with them. 

I have also been considering trying to go to Mayapura this winter and was curious if that would be wise or foolish...

You fallen servant,

Nityananda-rama dasa 

HpS - Jaya. AGTSP. Going to Mayapura is kind of like going to New York city. If you go as a Tourist it is expensive and a very strong external program. If you know someone then it is deeper and safer. Please send us more news every few weeks. You can be our Correspondent in the Govardhana Dhama.

Your Deity is incredible!!!

How is your organic family?