Chicago.bunch of preaching activities!

10 years, 9 months ago by etasakrsnadas in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare krsna AGTSP, PAMHO 

Dear Gurumaharaja!!!
20 bcaris and we hope more by the end of the summer. The chicago temple is in the best moment ever. This is historical. Therfore my sadhana on such steady atmosfere it could not be better. 16 rounds, jumping in mangalarati every day.
This summer is going to be very busy. Here is a summary of my preaching activities to the latin people.
Book Distribution regularly 4 days of the week. 1 new person every weekend. Hoping increase faster the number of member in latin group. 50 members before i leave chicago?
Bhakti club at Truman Collage. Succesful program. Attached picture.
Food for life. I'm involved on organization and our latin group is engaged in this recently.
Bhakti Vrksa where we cultivate through seminars new people. Spiritual Scientist course.
and diferent services in the temple.

I dont have questions about visnu tattva for you. I know that krsna is the Controler and I m his servant and that is enough for me. It is wrong not to have these tipe of questions?

              ASA - Hmmm. If you are reading then you should be getting practical, exciting questions, no? He is my Controler, but what does He want from me today, for example? Mother Yasoda had to make decision about what service to offer!
Im reading regularly and I already finished 2 canto of BV with Param Padam, but is only an acceptance. I dont feel this like a problem. Can you give me guidance gurudeva?

             ASA - We don't understand. What does, "Only an acceptance" mean? Very interesting.

Finally, the temple president, Nityananda Prana is asking me about  you all the time and he really wants to invite you. These last to weeks Radhanath S, Romapada S, BB Govinda S, Danavir Gos visited us and waiting for Gunagrahi S and others. This temple has a lot of oportunities in preaching field to offer Gurudeva. And the congregation really want your transcendental asociation.

Shold I give to Nityananda Prana the email for disciples to be in contact with you? Or may be another one?

I know that you are extremly busy and your health is not always good, and i can visit you wherever you are, but they are asking me.

              HpS - Ooof. Health is O.K. It is just a result of "energy". At 66-years old we have that kind of energy, so we have to "act our age". I think we can visit, but have to get our preaching programs a little more defined first!

Well thats all for now. I'm gonna work hard to finish my mision here.

HpS - ASA - How much longer will you be there??? What is you plan. Our respects to Nityananda Prana Das.

Srila Prabhupada ki Jay!!!!!!!!

ys etasa krsna das