<cite>Hare krishna dear Gurudeva,</cite>
<cite>AgtSP! Pamho!</cite>
<cite>It has been long time not writing, not communicating here in the blog. Always maintaining reading it.</cite>
<cite>Some days ago I was reflecting about the position of the spiritual master; how is Krishna himself present by becoming right through his messenger, his connector and I remember you with deep felling of gratitude. Thank you Gurudeva.</cite>
<cite>Last year it was very intense, much service and work, Dasanudasa festival, prasadam distribution, events, yoga classes, giving courses of ayurveda nd alimentation, etc. With the sensation and the need to stop the world and get down going to the top of a mountain.</cite>
<cite>This summer to almost the end of march I was traveling mostly Cordoba with my wife, looking lands for living, visiting devotees and also distributing books, it were a little more than 800, 1 box of Light of Bhagavata,1 box of Bhagavad Gita, al lot of Viaje al autoconocimiento , and the rest small books. Many nice people.</cite>
<cite>Now in Bs.As I think until Spring maybe, solving some things to move to Cordoba. Again working with prasadam in Organic fairs, planning to relaunch dasanudasa festival, and to help in the group of devotee care.</cite>
<cite>In a time in my life with the need of define and specify, wanting to dump my profession but from a therapeutic side, studying more of Ayurveda and other therapies. Also some creative ideas of conscious short films. Trying to get out of some kind of paralysis to become alive a good instrument.</cite>
<cite>While traveling we show the movie of the Light of the Bhagavata in the house of some devotees, and in last weeks I was inspired to start showing the movie in Yoga Centers with a guided film discussion, what do you think about this? Also there is a part in which a caw is thrown into a well, and it came back a frog, what is signification of this?</cite>
<cite>4 principles are O.K following.</cite>
<cite>16 rounds chanting ,not very good chanting but with some will to improve.</cite>
<cite>A basic worship of deity at home, Sri Sri Gaura Nitai, Sri Sri Radha Govindaji, Sri Gopal and Srila Prabhupada.</cite>
<cite>Hope you are really Ok! I not take any more time, sorry for this long letter,</cite>
<cite>Trying to serve,</cite>
<cite>Madhavendra Puri Das </cite>
<cite>PD : I want a copy of the </cite>Tpp-CB. how can i get it?
HpS - ASA - AGTSP - SO nice to hear from you here and see you on Japa Joeeeee. You and Ambarisa Das are both moving to Cordoba??? The artist is offering his cow ro Krsna through the media of the well and Krsna reciprocrates by giving a frog.
For a copy of the TppCB just send us your mailing address!!
Light of the Bhagavata movie does not seem too impressive unless it is on a BIG screen. Oscar is used to producing stage shows. We will put some of our news in todays DTC for you. It is so nice to hear from you. We lose enthusiasm when we are not clear what is our Goal and How to progress toward it!!!
Of course, Krsna, Radha, want to do very important things through you. only you can do.......