Letter from Lima

10 years, 8 months ago by Germán Vegas in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, dear Guru Maharaja

It's me, Germán, from Lima. I'm very glad to write you.

   HpS - ASA - AGTSP! We are very happy to hear from you!

The last couple of months have been very busy at work. I think I'm trying too hard, it's not good for my spiritual life. My sadhana is getting stronger but now I realize that I'm struggling meaningless. In the other hand I have a good wife, the books I read, the devotees, your instructions and specially, the Holy Name. I have taken the time to read, I finished the Srimad Bhagavatam's first canto and I'm in the middle of the Mahabharata, shortly before the beggining of the battle. The Srimad Bhagavatam is just fascinating. I discovered two great personalities: Bhismadeva and Vidura. The prayers of the first and the philosophical accuracy of the second have rocked my world. I'm loving The Mahabharata too. Yudhisthira Maharaja is such a person. Dharma is a difficult concept to understand, but all the through the depiction of this personality I'm starting to comprehend the meaning of this deep word. Luckily both books have left unanswered questions for which I humbly beg you to do so.

The first question is: Why if The Lord is absolute and perfect he owns an inferior and imperfect energy as Bahiranga Sakti? Is this true or we are the ones that are unable to perceive the perfection in this kind of God's manifestation?

 HpS - ASA - Go to "http://vedabase.com/en/iso/invocation" and then the paragraph starting, "All facilities are given to the small complete units ..."

The second question is related to SB 1,8,31. The most perfect relationship to wich we aspire with God is the one in wich the pure devotee 'forgets' or 'ignores' that Krishna is the Supreme Lord and treats Him as his or her son, for example? But where, in this rasa, resides Krishna's consciousness if we perceive the Lord not as God?

HpS - It is a little hard for us to understand Krsna's consciousness, but He also feels like He is the son of Mother Yasoda. A naughtly little butter thief. But He feels Her chastisement and full of love, there is no feeling of expliotation, so He is in that conscioussness that he has to do what mother says.

Dear Gurudeva, I hope not to bother you with my questions. I want to thank you in advance for your answers. 

Always hoping to serve you and wishing the best for your health.


     HpS - Very nice questions. Who also can answer these kind of questions in Lima? But we also like to answer a few!!!

We see you soon!