DTC - We(9)

10 years, 1 month ago by hps in DTC


Brother Ass has pains in his waist. It is 8.58PM at NGD home and we are alone in the living room on our individual lap-tops. Out letters are just about caught up. Only about 15 letters un-answered. Before it was 60!

Today we had to give our eyes a rest. I don't knnow if we can continue with BhVai and so much computer work. We have started to do gardening. We are right on a main street and a lot of people walk by so we are going to make a little garden space and put up a post to distribute so regular publications.
It seems there is a subculture of nice people here and we have to dig in.

So many preaching opportunities.

Constant Japa is not just to distinguish Yoga Maya from Maha Maya. It is also to distinguish which service we should do. Should we give milk to Krsna or save His milk on the stove!

We are putting regular posts on Twitter and a regular Class at 5AM on Start Meeting.