Report from Radha Kunda

10 years, 11 months ago by Tungavidya devi dasi in Personal Sadhana Reports



My dear guruji:

First of all, I want to thank you for allowing me to have your association here in Radha Kunda and Vrndavan some weeks ago, it was, as I told you, very inspiring for me. It happens to me like when a device works with batteries, after some time it tells you “battery low”, after some time without having your darshan I feel that something is going not wrong but slower, and when I see you again is like my batteries charge again.

              HpS - Hmmmf!  AGTSP paoho. For us it was one of the most marvelous things in our life. Giridhari Das, your whole family was very kind to all of us.

But sometimes, we try to be too perfect while serving our guru maharaja, that we forget very important things like the basic vaisnava etiquette, and we don’t realize it until someone else tell us, in this case, my daughter told me, ”hey, you have committed a very big offense against your guru, you were very rude when you answer him, that happened when you came home and when you asked me “where do I sit, I answered, wherever you want”, what I did meant was that you choose the place and I would put an asana, but my English is not so good and I spoiled it all, and when I was out of the kitchen again you were already sit, so I did not clear the things up, so I am bowing down to ask for your forgiveness, I am sometimes very dull and don’t know how to serve you, I become very nervous trying to serve you properly, I am very very sorry for that, I hope you give me your mercy and forgive me.

     HpS - Hmmm? It was all very proper for us.

I want also to give you the name of the villages of the astasakhis:

Radharani                           Varsana

Lalita gopi                           Uncagaon

Visakha                                 Kamai

Campakalata                        Karehla

Citra                                      Ciksauli

Tungavidya                          Dabharo

Induleka                               Indrauli

Rangadevi                            Rasoli

Sudevi                                   Sunahara

I also need to ask you some questions about the gayatri mantra:

  1. If you are chanting the gayatri in the temple and your guru maharaja or any other maharaja comes in, you keep on chanting or do you pay obeisances HpS - I guess you can keep chanting unless it causes some disturbance.
  2. If you are chanting the gayatri and the curtains of the deities are opened, you keep on chanting or do you pay obeisances HpS - Karanamrta Das told me that Prabhupada said, that during a lecture if the curtains open it is proper to just touch your folded hands to your head to offer respects. So I guess something similar is proper for this moment.
  3. If you are doing a parikrama and it is time to chant the gayatri, can you chant it while walking or do you have to stop and chant it. HpS - As far as I understand is always best to chant sitting, but if I am sick I sometimes chant while pacing back and forth.

Maybe these are silly questions for many people but I don’t have the answers and I know they will help my godbrothers that have recently got second initiation.

My dear guruji, thank you very much for your mercy, and hope to serve you better in the future and please forgive all my offenses, cause I am only a conditioned and fallen soul.

Your (trying to be humble) servant

Tungavidya dd

           HpS - Are you going to stay in Radha Kunda?