All Glory to Srila Prabhupada
Please accept my humbles obeisances
Dear Gurudeva:
Now I tray to take good asosiation for chanting, and studying more about the way to hold in Krishna counsisness, just chanting and try to make a litter Shaddana, about the level I'm try to make some activities with devotees, and my sraddha it's yet small.
I keep reading the Noi, Nod, and ISO, BG and SB canto 1 one more time
of course I have not good qualities but I try to keep the association, talking with good devotees, and taking prasadam, and givenig all that I can.
On Monterrey we studed the Rupa Siksa, and on Durango we studed about Krishna book, and ISO.
on Aguascalientes we take the siksa program on the guide of 64 weeks, we stared Krishna sevaka level.
on DF we participe on house program and reading BG with some devotees.
I need leard more about how can I use all that I can do and all That I have, on the service to the devotees.
now I staring to write some compositions for kid's program, and about team work.
Prabhu Druta Karma write about the Anunnakis that today is a topic very common.
What do yo thing abut that me are doing?
what I need to change and keep to can aspirate to the prabhupada's service?
how can I keep good asosiation, througth I have small things to give?
I keeping the basic standard, don't sleepng on Brhma muhurta, reading, try to follow the 4 principles.
Maharaj guru Prasada say that i need keep on preaching and sankirtan programs.
Here many devotees like make some changes on the way to participe on the Sankirtan, as the definition of sankirtan (not oly book distribution) till the properly presentation of the devotees to society. I hear all this every time, and just I try to keep the basic standard and keep the asosiation, and helping on outreach program.
Thaks a lot for your mercy, and for your visit that was very inspiring. your crew member Aniruddha Krishna Das
HpS - ASA - AGTSP! Very nice letter of course, the most central thing is not to just "try to follow 4 principles" but to follow them strictly. Of course, everybody is different and so we all have different challenges. There have been big demons who have been strict followers of the Vedic rules. They followed austerities to kill God and his devotees, but in general if we don't follow the four principles it is like trying to wake up and still be intoxicated with sleep. We won't be able to have a clear intelligence about what our place in Krsna consciousness is.
So, use your intelligence: What are the things that help me be strong in chanting good rounds and following the four principles strictly and what are the things that cause me problems.
Tell us the results of your investigation.