Cakori Radha Devi dasi, Antofagasta, Chile.

10 years, 11 months ago by Cakori Radha in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Sri Radha Krsna

All Glories to Sri Sri Goura Nitai

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Dear and Kind Guru Maharaja, firts of all allow me to put our stupid head beneath your most humble feet, we offer dandavats to you and Srila Prabhupada, over and over.  we also ask for the most merciful smack with a cane in the head.

     ASA - AGTSP paoho. Hmmm? What will come next! 

It has long been since our last conversation. Im so sorry for not writing sooner. We've been in the north of chile, kidnap by our family. we try to scape to braja, but our sentimentalism is bigger than our common sense. 

Family is fine, Gopal, Vrinda, Madhumati, Dayamani, Hari Bhakta all trying to survive. our health is not the best, many nerve problems, but getting better. its amazing how much our torerance to frustration has increase.

our  2 younger babies are completly insane, i think they think they are monkeys, the wild kind.  so we try to civilize them, and on that path we may  have become a lot like a gereral of the german army. 

We have tickets to Go back to Vrindavana the first days of may. if Srimati Radharani let us go, we had tickets before and we could not go!

plan is to stay there for a month and move to Rishikesh, we all would like to take a teacher training course in Yoga, Hatha yoga. and then maybe darmashala or Kerela for Tibetan/Ayurveda school and maybe a holy vaisnava safari in family.  

Our family (mom) is buying for us a land with a restaurant and the possibility of a Hotel in San pedro de Atacama, Chile.  very near where our family live in chile, so we can make a living and pay for college for kids (Gopal is 16!!!)  and after 10 years retreat to the holly Dham with a pension.    So we manage to convince family  to let us go for a year to India. and after that come back and make a nice self sustainable eco/turism farm.  its really high in the mountains and theres not much people, few hundred families but so many tourists. no contamination, no buildings, native people.  hope is a good idea.

We read your letters and ask all the time to Srimati Radharani to protect you, we dream about our spiritual master very  often, maybe most of those times out of guilt. but very nice dreams, so many answers.

right now we are writting with one hand and fighting and blocking babies with the other one. 

Hope you are well, so much preach, so much seva, so much inspiration Guru Maharaja. Thank you for being our fuel and source of inspiration.

At your feet,

Cakori Radha Devi dasi

                 HpS - Hmmm.  Very good news, but the Japa!!!  Otherwise you are all going to take birth as Indra and Saci devi in your next life!