¡Radhe Radhe! From Chile

10 years, 11 months ago by Bhaktin Camila R. in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Sri Sri Radha and Krsna!
All Glories to Sri Sri Gour Nitay!
All Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

All Glories to H.H Hanumatpresaka Swami!

I hope you are well (: ! Where is his holiness now? Mexico?

               HpS - ASA -- AGTSP. paoho. Our body is in complete pain and suffering. I guess like everyone in the material world, like you, but we tolerate it and consider less suffering to be happiness.

Camila, Santiago-Chile, Social work Student, 20 years old. 

16 rounds ! 
4 principles strictly ! 
(thank you!) 

Well, we decided to go to Traveler Sankirtan for febreuary to the south of Chile, it was REALLY NICE, people is waiting for books! they all want Krsna!, we should go more often to those places, because people are so interested! More than 800 books were distribuited! :)  ...We have been in Pucon, Puerto Montt, Chiloé (an island), and Puerto Varas. (: I really loved the experience, always talking about Krsna, thinking about Srila Prabhupada, and Praying to Lord Nityananda! Sri Sri Radha and Krsna are so mercifull to us. 
Also we were in the 3erd version of the Ratha Yatra in the city of Pucon! :) MANY people come! <3 

Now, I'm back in Santiago, trying to retake service, and waking up early (is hard for me, i have to try hardly!) .  Trying to read also, Upadesamrta, and Vaisnava Compassion of Satvarupa Das Goswami :) Veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery nice! I'm trying to take those teachings, and be more tolerant, and compasive with others.  Please give us your blessings to be more nice devotee, and leess proud selfish envy dummie donkey . 

Also, we were in Pichilemu (Beach of Chile), to celebrate Goura Purnima there, is a program of preaching, we went there with many devotees  like Oscar, Abhimanyu Das, Adi Yajña Prabhu, and other new devotees ( veeeery nice devotees, with a lot of enthusiasm!) . IT was amazing, many people come, a lot of yoga professors :) !!!! and people of that city ! Very nice preaching (: Im so happy! . 

And then!!  Celebration of Gour Purnima Here!!!!!!!! In Santiago Mandir! Wow! Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is SO mercifull!!!!!!!!!!!! With all of us!  We are such a fortunate souls! We have the opportunity to be with God himself! :))))))))))  All by the mercy of Srila Prabhupada! 

Here I send you some pictures, of the Yajña in Pichilemu, Jagannatha Baladeva y Subhadra of Ratha Yatra of Pucon, Sri Sri Gour Nitay of Santiago in the Gour Purnima Festival, and one of me and my friend Kona doing Sankirtan in Puerto Montt ! 

Please forgive my bad english, I tried to do the letter short but i couldn't please excuse my poor inteligence. 
I hope you had a nice Gour Purnima ! 
Please accept my sincere obeisances at your lotus feet. 
Thanks for reading this. 

Radhe Radhe! 

HpS - AGTSP. Is nice news. We just started to scan the letter, the many city names, as the letter got longer. It's O.K. You can summarize things to make it shorter or assume that we will slide lightly past the many details.

800 books! So nice. People very interested! Soon the world will change. It already has. No genocide in South America and many vegetarians. All from Srila Prabhupada's effort.