Hare Krsna GuruMaharaja!

10 years, 10 months ago by Bhaktina Romi in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

All Glories to Holy Names

All Glories to His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

All Glories to Devotees

Please accept my must humble obeisance to your feet.

I wrote you before you go to India. Sorry for write again without the answer of previous letter. My situation not change a lot, like I told you during your visit. Yet the sadness and frustration still here so present, but thanks to your merciful instructions the things going better. My moodiness and anxiety have dropped. This process is practiced with joy so obviously I am committing some fault.

ASA - AGTSP  Seems you mean "without joy".

4 pple and 16 rounds OK, sometimes recovering some of them. I keep organizing things thats I was delay in your previous visit, please bless me to do that service with better consciousness.

I was reading all the letters I wrote in the Blog, and always appears the same instruction, and I effort to follow like the first time, chant better Japa, with that weapon Krsna will control all situations in the best way. I don't know why I keep attached to things that´s no good for improve in Spiritual Life...
I began to exercising, the feelings, no easy, no connection about what is the heart, only brain stuff. Ouch!
Hope your health improve soon from your India's trip. I pray to Sri Krsna and Srila Prabhupada for that.

Why the sasncrit word for word sometimes say one thing and in the translation say other? ex. BG 18.66 
[ Word for word:  — do not; śucaḥ — worry.] [Translation: Do not fear.]
Thanks for answer GM.


Thanks Guru Maharaja to always be present.

That person who want to develop a correct attitude of service.
Rati-manjari Devi Dasi

pd. http://vimeo.com/88555228 SRI PANCA TATTVA MAHA ABHISEKAM summary. 6.3 min !!!

HpS - Jaya!  In some of the other letters there is advice for you also. I think that Prabhupada did not always do the word for word translatins. and he had devotees use the Translations from Gita Press sometimes when they were nice. He had enough work to do on the Purports. Chant, fix your priorities. Be enthusiastic to get a nice job, nice, car, nice family, nice house, good health.. If we want these things, O.K. don't be depressed when we don't get them. Chant Hare Krsna and be like Kardama and Devahuti! I want material things. I am a fool too, but I see how they are needed for my advancment, so Krsna is pleased that we are second class learners but we are trying our best.

\Nice pictures!