Madrid's Temple Report.

10 years, 10 months ago by Dandava das in Sankirtana / Temple Activity Reports

Hare Krisna, dear Gurudeva. Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

First I hope you're fine after your travel to India.

              HpS - ASA - Jaya! AGTSP  paoho.... We recovered after about a week. We were exhausted!

By Kisna's Mercy we are fine, very positive and with a lot energy.

From the administration changes in Madrid's Temple on last 26th Jan we had some problems, but by Kirsna's Mercy we are overcoming with all Congregation's devotees. We are beginning to be a great family. Before we seemed distant cousins, now We are beginning to seem brothers in arms.

I explain you what are we doing now and which are our plans for next months or year.

¿What are we doing now?

  1. Putting in order the administration, saving money to Srila Prabhupada, etc.
  2. We are elevating Deities' standard.
  3. We are pushing the academic training helped by Bhaktivedanta Institute: Bhakti-Yoga Introduction course, Bhakti-Sastri First and Second modules and Bhakti-Vaibhava first Chapter of Srmad Bhagavatam.
  4. We are starting a development congregation program and devotee care. How?. We invited to Akrura Das for coming to Madrid to teach us about Gita Coach, Devotee Care, Develop Leaders and training coachers program. We are having different seminars  about that. He is in Madrid from 2 weeks ago and he'll be here until he wants.
  5. We are implementing a communication preaching program via Facebook, website, Google+, email, posters in the temple, face to face, etc.
  6. We arranged with New Vrajamandala to develop our relationship, and that be closer.
  7. We arranged in the last Communication meeting to be joined to rest of Spain Yatra.
  8. We have Harinamas all weeks and we are starting to have Harinamas every day at 17:00.
  9. We are pushing Nama Hathas.
  10. We are inviting to Elder devotees and leaders of projects for coming to Madrid during the weekend or days to do preaching programs with them.
  11. Now, all days are distributed  many Srila Prabhupada's books on the Madrid's Streets. Now we have 4 sankirtaners: Jaramara Hari Das, Yasodanandana Das, Bhakta Alejandro and Bhakta Quique.
  12. We built a boutique in the temple, with Srila Prabhupada's books, and other things as mala bags, essences, incenses, malas, cds, Deities, etc ...

HpS --- Aaah! Very active!!

What are our plans for next months or year?

  • To develop facilities for Matajis. We would like to create a Mataji's ashrama with a  Matajis' Leader.
  • We would like to buy or rent an apartment close to Temple, other side the ashram wall where Jaramara Hari Das lives now to develop de Matajis' ashram there.
  • We would like to expand  the Temple's room. We want buy an other room together at  Temple's room and put them together, about  15 square meters more.
  • To create a coachers team to devotee care and mentors.
  • To keep the level of the academic training.
  • To develop more and more Nama Hatha and start a Bhakti Vriksa program.
  • To consolidate Srila Prabhupada's distribution books and Harinama daily, etc.

You  know I'm working outside the temple, but I'm going to the temple three times per week more or less and all administration team are in permanent communication.

All team are developing a great job and the devotees are more and more committed.

We hope that differences with some devotees of prior administration disappear soon. It depends on all.

We want you coming to Spain and Madrid soon and It's my duty to invite you for coming. We must work very hard still to obtain Krisna's Mercy and yours, but please don't leave us without you and your mercy  this year 2014.

Thank you for all, Gurudeva.

Please, let me keep at your Lotus Feet.

Your humble servant, Dandava Das.

              HpS - ASA - Jaya. AGTSP.  You can see in the DTCs and the Tweets and the Kapi Dhvaja reports what we are doing. I think we will be based in Tennessee until August. Then we will tour USA, San Francisco, Pacific Northwest. Then back to Tennessee and South America in March April 2015. Guess we would get to Europe in August of 2015.

Depends on our strength and Krsna's choice. Right now we are trying to recover our bodily energy and we will have to see how that goes.
Certainly best of wishes in the preaching in Madrid?

What about more centers in other parts of the city? Bhakta-vrksas get their own full-time centers eventually?