bring goodies out on sankirtan

Gauranga! Hanumat Presak Swami.
> Glories, Humbles. We had a nice festival on Tamal Krishna
> Goswami's dissapearence day outside in the sunshine around
> his samadhi. Goswami's gold plated lotus feet were installed
> with a.big Hare Krishna kirtan in Kalachandji park with
> Puspanjali ceremony.
> Guna Grahi Maharaj is here in Radha kalachandji Dhama giving
> classes about nonviolent speech, the importance of having
> facility to train people in Krishna conscious life, and why
> we say the offering prayers three times. He will speak at
> the Wednesday evening program in the Darshan Room upstairs
> that is geared towards westerners. It was developed, as the
> Sunday feast has become a mostly Indian family affair.

> Aron and I clean Radha Kalachandji's prasadam room on
> Monday nights. While we were there, a whole plate of maha Dwaraka burfy
> came out to the pujari room covered in tulsi maharani. The
> next day on Srila Bhaktisidhanta Saraswati's appearance, we
> went out with the burfy, napkins,and 6 maha prasadam
> garlands from Sri Sri Radha Kalachandji and their entourage.
> The people who bought Srila Prabhupada's books were really
> happy to give a few dollars and in reciprocation get the
> book, garland, maha burfy prasadam, along with number one treasure, the Hare
> Krishna maha mantra on their gift card, with a live
> demonstration of the chanting to lead them trhough it.They
> felt like it was their birthday to get all the things..
> We approached some families coming out of a shop here in
> east Dallas. There was a pregnant lady and her husband who
> gave all the money she had for a book. A father in a SUV
> full of family had already bought "Bhagavad Gita Tal Como
> Es" though still took a "Karma La Justic Infallible", Another was a
> lady and her son who went to a local high school. The boy
> knew all the half dozen Hare Krishna devotees kids who live
> in Radha Kalachandji Dhama and go to his school "Woodrow
> Wilson High" Though his mother already gave a good donation
> he pulled laxmi out of his own pocket to secure a "Sri
> Isopanishad" since he said that he'd always been wondering about the
> temple. He dropped his Cheetos to relish the maha burfy on
> the moment. Everyone who bought books had a significant
> experience getting all the maha stuff along with Srila
> Prabhupada's association. This can be tried at home.
> > Yours Mishra Bhagavan Dasa
> When are you coming to Houston?
> Yours Mishra Bhagavan Dasa


       HpS - Super... You are always challenge to us to do Sankirtan. You both have so much courage! Visit to Houston is on the CALENDAR! 12th - 19th!

Gaura purnima we go to Mexico just for the day, 16th morning to 17th afternoon.