Urgent - Sadhana

Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to you.

My consciousness has been in a lower state for the last half of January.  I have been having unwanted desires and longing to be with my wife, when previously my consciousness was more clean.  I have been attending mangala arati daily but have to leave the morning program for work at the start of japa time.  I tried doing more service but this did not fix the problem.  I spoke with Madhavendra Puri Prabhu and he advised this is due to chanting my rounds in the evening with less attention.  He recommends that instead of attending mangala arati to wake earlier and chant with him in front of tulsi.  Is this something that you approve of, Maharaja?

HpS - AGTSP. Try it! Sing the Gurvastakama during B. Muhurta. Only takes two minutes, with enthusiasm. Seems like MVPP is a wise Dude.

Hoping to become and remain a servant,

Bhakta David II