a poem...

10 years, 11 months ago by chas d lind in Hot Topics

Dear Maharaja Hanumat Presaka,

please accept my humble obeisances, All  Glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Have made a poem offering, inspired by your request. Have no real experience in poem writing, so please excuse my crudeness. Was fun to do, but took some polish to get it at least tolerable.

Wiil keep in contact as time permits, we have so much to do before Houston and we even pushed the move date to the 1st of June. Though Subhra will be there in March and April for meetings. We cna get more specifics if you like.

All glories to your service,

your servant in training,


V r i n d a v a n a

Land of Holy Basil, blooming in bliss

may we receive your gentle kiss?

Strife and turmoil in this life of no trust

 we hold your sacred soil,  praying to roll in the dust.


Land of Holy Basil, sweet flowers and subtle perfume,

may we blossom and swoon with you ?

Forever and more, seems we’ve been in a bad dream,

release us from this spinning scene; bring us to your fields of green.


                     Land of Holy Basil, with rivers, hills, trees and cows,                         

may we sing to the Maidens who tend the dairy now?

We suffer in a realm so stagnant and stale,

  please dear Maidens share us the nectar from your pail.


Land of Holy Basil, there are sounds of a flute so clear,

may we ask, is it the Boy of Blue … filling our ears?

His song enraptures, captured, we’re now His prize,

 Oh Land of Holy Basil, now we smile with tears in our eyes.

HpS - ASA --- Jaya! ! ! !   AgtSP. Very nice. A moments vacation to Vrndavana Dhama. We certainly hope to hear more, more.