99% go to hell

10 years, 10 months ago by jaynityananda in Hot Topics

<big>Dear Gurumaharaja,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

<big>I hope you are well. Argentina sounds wonderful from here!
I would like to inquire from you for clarification. A prabhu, in whom i have faith very much, wrote an article on hellish planets. In it he wrote that out of the 200.000 people who die daily, 99% go to hell. I am seriously thinking that's way too high of a figure, and could a percentage be postulated by humans at all, but i have no arguments to substantiate this 'gut feeling'. Krishna says in gita 7.3, out of many thousands one may strife for attaining Him. It could be posed, do the other ones go to hell?

<big>Could you please clarify this matter?</big>

<big>Your servant in training,
Raghava Pandita dasa.

<big>           AGTSP. paoho.   I don't know. Haven't thought about this. Did the devotee have and reference? Of course, it is a fact that so many people in Kali yuga a SINFULLY engaged.</big>