weather and diksa

11 years, 1 month ago by Raulmontreal in Personal Sadhana Reports


Please accept my humble obeisances

Dear Maharaja

We are still in Wash DC, we had to cancel return trip to Montreal due to malfunctons on the train track central in NY caused by the unusual low temeratures and derivates, date of return now is Wed 15th, next week.  We thank you so so much for your words of encouragement to our little efforts here and there, thanks for your kindness and mercy.  On your question of diksa, and having our bond to Krishna formally brought to the altar,  yes, we have been thinking and wishing,   devotees in  Montreal have been asking about it also,  but we felt Krishna was making proper arrangements, now we know for certain.  We will take diksa with you Maharaja whenever you decide the right time is.  You set the time and date and we will be there.  As I said before thanks a thousand times for your kindness and mercy.   Sri Guru and Gauranga ki jaya !

your humble servant

bhakta Raul 

HpS - Hmmm!   Now is 28th. We have got slowed down by so many nice V'puja letters. Tommorrow we go back to Tennessee. Even there I hear it is Super Cold. Diksa... if we can be of service that is wonderful for us. Montreal has big Rathayatra?