DTC - Mo(6) 6.43PM

10 years, 4 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP   ppaoho... Gaura arati started 13 minutes ago. We can hear it across the patio. We were told it was at 7PM by one devotee. So we must rush. Then evening of Education in ISKCON. LEtters answered to 1week and 3days. Reports we could not touch. 

We have so much effort more to honor Prasadam properly.

Of course, traveling it is hard to get regular Bhoga for Lord Nrsmha deva but the effort to help here in BsAs is so wonderful.

Always, we live in a bubble of time and space, dominate by the feet of His Divine Grace.

Hare Krsna!!!

We did consultations this morning for 8-devotees for two hours!

O.K. Education.
NIOS Nashville reports good.