one day before Srila Jiva Gosvami's disappearance day

Dear Hanumatpresaka Maharaja,
please accept my respectful obeisances,
all glories, all glories to Srila Prabhupada!
All glories to you in your auspicious appearance day!

I'd like to say thank you again for your practical teachings and shared realizations in the path of bhakti yoga.

An old fable (see the link below) came into my mind wherein there is a big-big carrot and granpa wants to pull it out but he is unsuccessful. Therefore grandma joins and they try together and later the daughter and the dog and the cat and finally the mouse... so they made their so called parampara like this.
Fortunately we have a better and not mundane guru parampara and we have more ability than a carrot.
Yes, i know that this example is not perfect, not by a long chalk. But i can say please look after me and pull me out from mud.


Thank you for your instructions on chanting Hare Krsna and all the other things!

Hare Krsna,
your servant:
Kadamba Kanana dasa

the link:

HpS - Ha! Ha! Ha (re)!!!!   I guess we can try to hold our place in the line and whateve little force we can add to the message that will be great!!!  Thank you for the idea we need it.