Sadhana 2013

11 years ago by chas d lind in Special Category B

Dear Maharaja Hanumat Presaka Swami,

please accept my obeisances, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada

This letter is in response to our Sadhana report and am happy to reply that everything is going perfectly well under my command. So much wealth do I have and I will gain more, my enemies will be killed and I am the enjoyer surrounded by aristocratic friends and relatives… now the rest of the story.

Sadhana 2013

Claims to 16 rounds are there but how many with care? About 20 years on the japa reins, still fighting with fingers & brains though they may flow, the mind rarely lets go. Moments we miss, till our hearts fill with bliss yet we continue to resist. This is where I’m at for now and glad that I’ve kept my vows, times are testing as ever, give up? Never… delay? Maybe too often, but my resilience refuses to soften.

Continuing with high-tech preaching though at times I may be over-reaching, the glowing screens and fanatic gleans, half the time the truth isn’t seen. So, honing my dull intellect I return to the keyboard and reflect… what it is to sincerely express the wisdom of the ages from our lineage of Sages.

Thinking, feeling, willing thus all things become fulfilling, pray tell we get direction and clear reflections not some sentimental recollections with lusty connections.  As the Mind folds, Intelligence holds, so let us grip our beads with complete greed and nurture our rounds with speed, this is the integrity I seek. Once done, we may blissfully do japa and surround ourselves with the Maha-Mantra. This is my goal if I may be so bold, from one who is quickly growing old.

Thus my desire is invoked, yet I still hesitate, obvious attachments must be revoked to obliterate. What about the subtle grips still lurking in the mind… easy enough, direct them to the Divine, now we have a start but let’s fan the spark! Keep in the Fire when we aspire for Vaisnava association, this is our means of true negotiation.

Who am I kidding, the senses want their bidding, a simple breeze will blow me away with ease. Will face the truth and acknowledge I’m uncouth, not fit for human life, this I know, it cuts like a knife for without Guru, Sastra and Sri Bhagavan I cannot go on.

My Sadhana is flickering, though gaining momentum, no more mental bickering, I know my intention and that is complete Spiritual attention… soon I pray, let me hold Bhakti close to my Heart and never stray.

Thank you for your valuable time, hope to continue this path and share more Truth so Sub-lime.

Your servant in training,

caitanya caritamrta dasanudas.

AGTSP. Hey this is a pretty good poem. Next one should be no longer than 140-words about the mystical land of Vrndavan.

Thank you very much!!