Haribol Maharaj

11 years ago by David Leyton in Other

All glories for Srila Prabhupada

All Glories for his holines Hanumatpresaka Swami

Hare krishna Maharaj

I am David Leyton to ISKCON Santiago de Chile. , my life it's so hurt about (HpS - ASA - Jaya! AGTSP. Thank you for the explanation. Works, healing through touching, but could also make people sick if the touchers are sinful!  What about starting a family?) Thank for the recommendation of reiki. only i am doing therapy to myself, because i have fear to sick other people. Thanks

I spoke with my girlfriend (Macarena) and she is ok about having family. We a starting a relationship but now we have some money's problem, i don´t have a job, only sankirtan. i studied Engineering Agriculture and this is not enough, i also got a Diploma degree to start a project in febrary. i have spending a lot of money to pay my studies that I can not afford for anything else.

may be i am not a good devotee, only i can do my best effort to improve, chanting 16 round, i meet the four principles, i do Sankirtan and the saturday i do service on the temple but i dont have sadhana.

Please tell me what can i do for be better? can you tell me, what sadhana can i do in my home?

We will see us in Chile

Hare Krishna Maharaj

                HpS - ASA - Jaya!!!!  AGTSP.   Amongst the people on the planet you are doing, very, very well. Given your situation maybe one of the best people on earth.  Let us just talk personally when we get to Santiago. It is just three days!