Illict Sex within Marriage?

11 years, 2 months ago by Rashmin dd in Hot Topics

Hare Krishna Maharaja, Please accept my humble obeisances.

All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

I hope you are healthy, Maharaja.

I write to ask for some clarification on what you wrote in your annual report.

What did you mean when you wrote "you are on your own" referring to your grihastha disciples? You seem to be talking about illicit sex within marriage but as I understood, sex within marriage is not illicit.

Of course I have also heard that it should be regulated to once a month for the sole purpose of begetting children. I totally agree with this standard which Prabhupada gave.

However, the senior devotees whom my husband and I have taken counseling from have said different things. These devotees are GVT members and temple congregation devotees. And one GVT seminar we attended made the point that Prabhupada gave us the topmost principle to aspire for. My husband and I are definitely aspiring to follow that principle. So basically what I want to know is if I am is still considered a disciple of yours or not at all?

I truly think that Krishna sent you as my guru to guide me back to Him.

Of course I am willing to accept consequences due to my actions whether they are happyful or painful. Your aspiring servant, Rasa-mandali devi dasi

                      HpS - Jaya! AGTSP paoho. Very good question. This is a very argued point. For my own readings it has always been a very clear point. Sexual relations are normal, licit only when they are between a religiously married couple during wifes time of conception to get SUPER KIDS for Krsna.

Once effort a month.

The GBC even published a direct statement about this a few years ago. If anyone is presenting anything else and claiming ISKCON authority then please let us know. We should clatify these things.

All of these austerities are possible and natural.

Yes, we may deviate by accident, but we should want to correct ourselves quickly.

Maybe Prabhupada is strong enough to hang on to the rope when disciples are engaged in heavy Karma but we are not. I know Gurus who have fallen down trying to be Prabhupada in this sense, but we are glad to be Vartmana pradarshika Gurus again and help such disciples get back on the path and again be our regularly initiated disciples in the Parampara.

Is clear???  Certainly this is happy life. There is so much more to human marriage than that which is available to the hogs and dogs.  Let's get it!