visiting Wash DC

11 years, 1 month ago by Raulmontreal in Personal Sadhana Reports

All Glories to Srila Prabhupada !

Please accept my humble obeisances

Dear Maharaja

First  answer you questions and recomendations.  We are still in Wash DC visiting parents but unable to get books from the DC Temple,  we sent a letter through their Facebook account but no response. As far as we know no devotee lives near my parents place,  the only rides we can get to the temple are from my sisters who can't spare that time, family, work, etc   So we are focusing on our rounds and Gita, bhajans plus watching classes on youtube, we found a good number of your lectures and classes there, jaya !  Also we are putting our faith out in the open and presenting it to my family,  mother is very open and even enthusiastic, she even remembers you from Lima back in the 90's.  We offered prasadam cooked by her and spoke about Krsna and the Gita to father, mother and sister.  We accompanied sister and niece yesterday to the natural history museum (full of people) and after some stroll around the exhibits, including the new Genome hall, we sat and chanted on our japa while sister watched an ice age movie.  The realization flowed to us on the purpose and importance of the Vedic Planetarium project in Mayapur, The Gita Museum in LA and Srila Prabhupada's wish to have a Vedic-Bhagavata dharma  museum or exhibit here in DC  right next to the Mall where all the big ones are. We contemplated the consciousness that this places enhance on people the "matter and science  is all"  really partial view of nature and science,    sad the Wash DC temple had to move out to MD Potomac cause there is no center in DC now and no devotees distributing books on the metros or streets except on especial occasions. (but they do have sponsorship programs)  On a positive note we gave a Gita and a Higher Taste books to sister at home.  We are paying closer attention to the NIOS program,  understanding the methodology etc   we found interesting links to  "Beyond Illusion and Doubt"  and  Life comes from Life,  as well as the careful presentation of Vedic cosmology and philosophy of nature in your essays and powerpoints.    We go back to (caveman) Montreal the 9th,  we live there what can we do,  Toronto is actually the happening place for all things beyond matter and illusion but haven't been there since July.

your humble servant

bhakta Raul

                        HpS - AGTSP. Very nice. Our "Secret Agent" in D. C. You seem to be doing really well. When are you going to "get married" to Krsna? Initiated?