HpSwami - Bogus Guru

10 years, 4 months ago by hps in Personal Sadhana Reports


A G T S P !

Paoho & Best Wishes

This is our, Hanuatpresaka Swami's, Annual Report, Personal Sadhana Report.
We have followed the 4-principles strictly and chanted 16-enthusiastic rounds daily at least. Actually we chant 26 rounds per day so we hope that 16-of those are enthusiastic.

When our mouth was bleeding and our health was devastated from the Museum program in May 2012 we fell down from our standard of 25 or 32 rounds/day to like 16-rounds/day for several weeks, so we have a debt of 352 rounds from that time. We are making them up by chanting 26 rounds per day rather than 25.

Our administrative authourity, GBC secretary, is Tamohara Das.

We are tempted to eat for our body rather than offer everything for Lord Nrsmha-deva's satisfaction.

We watch BBC History documentaries or at the worst Sherlock Holmes things when we are very tired. Maybe Krsna will able to use this study in his service.

We declare that we are not Uttama-adhikari devotees. We do not have lotus feet. More likely pies de lobo, feet of a wolf, a wolf in sheep's clothing, but St. Francis made a wolf into a disciple.

We are pushing to dovetail our attachments in music, theater, toys into Krsna's service.

We are only taking disciples in this perspective. We are Madhyama adhikaris, so we can give help to others to connect better with Srila Prabhupada and we want to take shelter of other Madhyama-adhikari's also to be better connected to Srila Prabhupada, but for us and our disciples, Srila Prabhupada is the Uttama-adhikari association that everyone also must have. This is basically the arrangement that we see that Srila Prabhupada had when he was here.

The last paragraph in the purport to NOI Text Five explains how we understand our position.

We are doing a lot of work to act better as Head of ASA and Diksa-guru in ISKCON. We read all the Annual Reports for last year, but not promptly and could not respond to them all.

Maybe the Report Form will help this year.

O.K. that's our Annual Report.

Oh! Several Grhastha disciples reported occasional or one falldown into illict sex. Yes, this must be overcome. It is natural to follow th 4-principles. As dirty Westernes we will have these dirty thoughts until we die, but if we engage in devotional service we will be able to tolerate them. Also, sexual relations, even with married partner, unless according to Garbadhana-sanskara, us still illict sex, and you are on your own with your reactions then. We can't take responsibility for you before Srila Prabhupada, BUT if you want to get free from this and get back on the path, then we are happy to do our best to function as your Vartmana-prakarshika guru as Suniti was for Dhruva, giving advice how to get back to the standard.

Bogus or Beau Goose!