question on NIOS state of existence

11 years ago by yogendra dasa in Other

Dear Hanumat Presaka Maharaja, Please accept my humble obeisance. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. I hope it is alright to use this facility to contact you. I'm a disciple of His Holiness Bhaktimarga Swami, and I am married to your disciple, Rasa-mandali devi dasi. I'm a big fan of yours! I had a question to ask. What is the current state of NIOS? In a sleepless frenzy, I have spent the last few hours of the very early morning trying to recover the most up to date information. I found the NIOS website via google, and seems like most recent updates are from 2009 when councillors/codes/kings call went out? From what I've heard of NIOS, it is very interesting to me. I'm not a great scholar, but I've got a degree in political science. Always thinking of what to do with it (so far we just work in the bank to support family). Also, I recently read your mentioning several times the grhastha vision team as a resource for your disciples. I really appreciate that you did that. The GVT has been a tremendous source of enlightenment, healing, and encouragement to me. I am really indebted to many devotees who form the GVT, and am hugely supportive. Thank you/gracias. Aspiring to be the servant of your servant, Yogendra dasa

HpS - AGTSP!  So, nice to hear from you, Prabhu. Seems we have at least two very dear friends in common.

NIOS is struggling  to get in proportion and grow or shrink as is appropriate. Our web page has been a little undermanned, but we have been able to do a little work of our own. Maybe you can save the web-page?   In any case, we posted a new News release on 24th December. It is there with current news! Also, the first item on the classical bookshelp, parasara dharma sastra might be interesting to you. p'pada cites it in the instructions of bhisma deva to yuddhisthira in canto one, chapter nine, and we heard him cite it for a practical matter on one recording.

Please write more! Please find ways to pass KC to your work, "Nice day! Sun is shinning!" ie. remind peeople of the sunshine, pantheistic incarnation of God!