urgent being harassed

11 years ago by candra108_mukhi in Hot Topics

Hare Krsna Beloved Gurudeva:



Well, I just wanted to inform U that someone, I do not know if it is a man or a woman, is harassing me on facebook he/she is posting nonesense about me, like I drink alcohol or I do not dress properly.. <img alt="smiley" height="23" src="http://hps.monkeywarrior.com/sites/all/libraries/ckeditor/plugins/smiley/images/regular_smile.png" title="smiley" width="23" /> That made me laughed yesterday.

However I have like two doubts:

1.- There is a lot of activities that we can engage in like reading, chanting, etc and this person created an account on face just to harassed devotees because it is not only me and this person uses  a photo of a devotee who is a young girl. why people do that??

            ASA - AGTSP. paoho.  Could be many reasons, no? Could be that they are really lonely, afraid, scared and don't know how to have positive relations. They are afraid to make friends so they try to get attention, make enemies. We just chant HK / HR and see if we can help them, Krsna, everybody acheive their proper goals!

2.- It is kind of suspicious that this started just a few  days before ur arrival. Someone does not want me around??

                     ASA - Maybe??  Doesn't seems so. Really seems to just be crazy.

jajajaja it is funny. I am going to take advantange of the association of such a pure devotee of Sri Krsna and Prabhupada the much as I can. This is my right. " Los patos que estan mas cerca obtienen mas pan" I just wanted that U help me to understand why these kind of things happen??

I am telling U this because it seems that someone likes me so much, maybe they wanted to bother U, talking about me. One thing I can be proud of is that U know EVERYTHING about me so I do not have fear about anything at all. I just want to inform U, am I that important???

Thank U all so much for iur support

THis year for me was for A LOT of purification 

Krsna really loves me

Thank U again

Trying to be sincere and ur disciple always

Candramukhi dd

                  HpS - ASA --- Yes, we, who have Sahajiya tendencies, try to take all this stuff toooo lightly. Maybe is best to devote a little effort to keep things clear. Thank you for informing us about this mis-information,or otherwise people might thing that Candramukhi has become a transvestite alcoholic punk Rtvik priestess, and try to help you!!!