News from a fallen soul

11 years, 1 month ago by Bhakta David II in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krsna, Maharaja,

Please accept my humble obeisances.  All glories to Srila Prabhupada and to you.

16 rounds / 4 regs strictly.  Some of my evening rounds have been lower in quality lately, but I am working on improving the quality and attention.  Walking to work, it has been a bit hard to get my rounds done earlier, so... time management!

I haven't had karmi grains since a bit before the visit to Houston, and have decided: no more karmi grain, no more prepared (heated) karmi foods (except emergency), no more chocolate.

In another post someone asked about being 'initiated' into reiki.  There is a parampara, it is like energy healing, I am initiated in it from a long time ago but do not know my full parampara.

Life has continued to be better each day since I had my questions answered by you, and my mind is still more clear but there is always work to do for more purification.  I had my vedic astrology chart done and I feel it was done well and helped to further calm my mind about the future.

I had some issues with a mentor, who was not the temple president, but that was worked out between myself, him, and the temple president.

Maharaja, I want to work off as much karma as I can before it is time for initiation so that there is less for you to take on, as I may have some fairly bad karma between previous lives, eating meat until 11 years ago when I came to Krsna consciousness, etc. and I wish for you to not take on so much burden for my sake.

Also, Annette from Fort Collins sends her obeisances.

Maharaja, will there be any video conference, web stream, or similar for your vyasa puja that those of us not local can join or watch?

Hoping to serve you,
Bhakta David II

                ASA - AGTSP.  Thank you so, so much for the news. Please send more news about Denver, Radha-Govinda, Saccinandana. Our respects to Mother Annette. Maybe we will get back there in September!

I think there may be some broadcast of Vyasa-puja but a lot of it will be in Spanish.

We will make the notice.

Your good President is tuned into you taking initiation in the future?

What date are we shooting for?