sri radha family report

11 years, 3 months ago by sriradhedd in Personal Sadhana Reports

Hare Krishna Maharaja,

Please accept my respectful obeisances,
All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Hoping You are well. I read your blog almost everyday and try to follow your activity.
We are still alive.
Sorry i didn't get back to You sooner but i didn't know what can i write because everything changed in our life everyday.

               HpS - AGTSP.  paoho.  Then I guess you have to write every day. <img alt="smiley" src="" title="smiley" />
We wanted to arrange our book distribution in Hungary but we were unsuccessful. There are strict rules there and still not allowed for the grihasthas to do books and maintain themselves from it.

             HpS - Oooof! Don't know the details, but P'pada had arrangement in L.A. for Temple Grhasthas living in Ashrama to get 15% of their collection.

But we would like to do it because it helps us a lot. Due to the sankirtana i can be better person and once hopefully better devotee as well so i want to take part in it.
So finally we came back to England, we are in Manchester right now.
The devotees are very kind and helpful here so we like to be with them but not so easy to get used to their programs.
Every week there are 4 or more programs (many times in other village) and the program finished by 10-11pm or sometimes later and usually we go to the bed between 11-12 pm.
We are very tired and nowadays we can't get up at 3 am and we suffer from the bad and nonregular sadhana. We got accustomed to the early wake up and morning chant and reading in Hungary and we got lot of strength from it.
Nowadays due to our random life i feel myself weaker.
We try to not attend every program but the devotees doesn't like it because they think we are unsocial and weirdo.
Maharaja, how can we find the balance between the sadhana and the association? We don't want to hurt anybody but we need privacy, seclusion and proper rest also otherwise we can't do books and can't make progress.
Thanks very much for your answer.

Your servant,
Sri Radhe devi dasi

                         HpS - AGTSP...   Oooof.   Sadhana means association, no? Sadhana is how we associate. Not Sadhana and association, but who and how to associate.




What is the difference between these three? Prabhupada explains. Of course, always problem avoiding demonic association, and of course, ISKCON devotees are usually not going to be Pure Devotees so our association will also not be pure. What to do?

Learn to avoid the demonic aspect of our society. Be like a tongue surrounded by sharp teeth.