Golden Moon over Lone Star

11 years, 1 month ago by chas d lind in Hot Topics

Dear Maharaja Hanumat Presaka Swami,

Pamho, AGtSP!

We are going to Texas in a week and are looking forward to it. Mataji has the proverbial ball in Houston’s court and was a second bid…she did the numbers and had to re-submit. It’s difficult to have a realistic balance on career, service and sadhana, have no idea for protocol on this. She made her decision; hopefully we’ll see a compatible finalization on this proposal. If it goes through, we start moving in March!

On the side, one of the pujari’s at NJP was on this facebook site; The Official Face Book Debate: Atheist versus Theist’s. Seems mostly amateur Scientists and neophyte spiritualists arguing, have been plinking skipping stones across the water with this one, hopefully I’m not committing the 9th offense on Vaisnava operade. There are some real offensive animals participating, though, I have actually have met a few Vaisnava’s on this site, we are outnumbered. I’m keeping it light and simple mostly Western phrase and Vedic wisdom, similar to office preaching, as you mentioned. In retrospect it is your inspiration that I pursue this for Science became frivolous in my mind till you showed how intelligence is there and how Krsna is behind it all!

To all my friends at the TOFBD: A. vs T. ( please excuse the “ack-row-nim”).

Since we all love a good bout of intellectual exchange, there has been an update in the World of knowledge with perfect timing, I feel the “Mad Scientist Club” and the “Fanatic Religious Cult” may both enjoy. For your pleasure and pondering, proselytizing, preaching, posing and postulating I present and submit for your approval, “ The Smite Partical ! ” oops, pardon me, wrong site try this one:

This site has a scientific confirmation of the Soul in the Body using Quantum science.

Will look forward to your association some time soon, All glories to your service,

Your servant in training,


              HpS - ASA -- HK/HR - Gaura Bhakta Vrnda, Srila Prabhupada, Ki Jai!.

TkU ur news!!.     "Quantum Questions" by Ken Wilber (from Amazon) has detailed quotes from the greatest scientists. We extracted the best and it is at the end of the sankhy-1.pptx in our archives...

Please send us travel notes when you are on the road!