Oink! WHooooopPPP! Here we are the same as yesterday. Body is a little better. No stomach upset etc. Still dark outside. OOOOOOO.V.OOOOOO
We just answered, wrote, 25-letters on Yahoo and Blog. Such nice reports of preaching, book distribution, personal Sadhana!
We have other work but we just can't get to it.
We met with Upendra Das by telephone from VRNDAVANA for one hour for our BhVai studies.
We gave class for Hawaii, SB 1.2.17 for 1.25 hours.
Cooked for Lord Nrsmha Deva.
And learned a little about the Bermuda Triangle and Rasputin.
Srimad Bhagavatam puts us in such an incredible position to understand and USE material nature.
O.K. Off to NGD's home. 7.30PM is evening program there on Friday. . .
Hari Bolo! Hari Bolo!