DTC (Th/14) - 5.38PM

11 years, 1 month ago by hps in DTC

A G T S P !


Is is dark and cold outside. Sunset at 4.30PM. Cars rushing by on 4-lane street out side to go home. Across street is back of a low class shopping mall.

We lost a check for $10,000 today and were attacked by extreme panic. "Aaaaaah!".

We started efforts to compensate for the problem. Went across the other street to our bank, USBank, with Abhiseka, NGD's son. Talked with our Branch Manager, Elizibeth about her cat and farm and wired $10,ooo from NIOS to Goloka Education in Bombay for 150-Sanskrit sets.

The revolution begins.

She put a stop payment on the $10,000 check.

We came back and went through our world of files for the fourth time --and--  finally found the check! We had not even signed it yet as a precaution. It was where it was supposed to be but we thought it was a $200 donation from Dr. Desai and didn't look at the details!


Also did work on our Bhakti Vaibhava, Canto Four Studies. More to do.

We see that we are not "pure devotees" or Rupa goswami. Srila Prabhupada is a pure devotee. We have to make more progress. It is not that we have to work "harder", we have to just work more consciously. It is so simple to just get absorbed in dove-tailing some Karma, typing letters,  in Krsna's service but not stay on the Jnana-yoga or dhyana-yoga, or pure Vaidhi bhakta yoga level.


Old age pushes you to perfection.

Our eyes burn from the screen.

Our breathing is a little congested from old age.

Our feet are a little swollen.

Our neck aches from screen etc.

We have pain in our inguinal ligaments from something.

We have a little indigestion from not honoring Prasadam properly.

Now our right ankle has started to itch.

And it is dark, lonely, and cold here (but the electric heater is making it too hot, but we don't want to get up to go over to adjust it).

And it is 5.48PM... but that is O.K. because now we can go for a quick bath before NGD calls from the Mad House and says he is on the way home. Then we take off in the dark and drive in Rtadvaja Swami's, Mother's car, to NGD home and get a little association with the family and go for our 44-1/2 minute walk. Have two jackets, hat and gloves. We sing Gaura-arati on the drive over. Because of your association we will sing Shayana arati Bhajan on the way back. 12-minute drive.

Except for our little 12' x 12' office the rest of the mobile home is like 50`F. About 10`C. We have another electric heater in the bath room and we turn it on 30-minutes before we go for a bath. It works pretty good.

Floor is still foot burning cold, but water heater is good.

This office is nice because we have our own private cave.
Good internet.

Association of Lord Nrsmha deva and Srila Prabhupada.

Pretty regulated chance to do service. Become more self realized.

We have to learn how to do better Karma yoga. Look for more things that we can dovetail into useful service for Krsna. Won't be the best like Janana--yoga etc. but will be better than sleeping and then we will become more expert and come to more jnana-misra-bhakti yoga!


AGTSP.   paoho and bw!