Hare Krishna Dear Gurudeva
Please accept my humble obeissances
Some bad news around my life.. my mother died with cancer.. a very tragic death.. well .. material death is terrible..! Even though gave her mahamantra during her last 2 weeks.. hope it has help her in one way or another.
HpS - AGTSP 1) Your well wishes and 2) If she chanted and 3) Her own Christian faith, all help! Go up.
.... my relation with Ramji.. finally ended.. for different reasons.. but,, trying to feel ok.. despite i feel the hole thing hard... many responsabilities, my family.. Radha,Krishna Vrindavan, also.. Ram in one way or other... my hole family.. father, 2 brothers.. working together.. nice working together.. but a lot of pressure.. the construction company we are encharged of it.. and sales area... clients.. the heritage... almost everything together... and my sweet Vrindavan who is about to be 1 year old... they are all devotees.. Radha Krishna Vrindavan... but im exhausted.. anyway.. always trying to chant some rounds.. a few.. 8 ,,, maybe... i should wake up early .. but by this time i cant!...
HpS > "Early to bed and early to rise, and you will be healthy, wealthy, holy and wise", Ben Franklin. Take it in little steps. It is good for EVERYTHING.
im just doing what i can, but i know i must put ok this mess!! im also giving myself a space for doing psycological therapy.. and it is helping!
ok.. anyway i dont complain.. im following my duty..
Thank you very much Gurudeva.. my time will come one day and i will do things ok!
PLease forgive my offenses.,,
Madhava priya dd
HpS - AGTSP. . . Fix some small number of rounds that you KNOW you can do for like one month. Katyanani vrata, Gopis get Krsna as husband, starts today. And then do it.
Send a Blog. Notice. MPDD is going to chant 4-rounds/day for Srila Prabhupada no matter what!!!!!!
Thank you for your letter!