DTC (Th)7 - 8.03AM

11 years, 2 months ago by hps in DTC

AGTSP!    paoho   How are you-all?  We are in Tennessee for almost one week now. We have a bunch of spider bites or something all over one part of our beloved body. Maybe some fever from them also.

It is good in that it makes us detached from our love of skin and try to find the Lord within.  Oink!   Oink!   WHOOp!  WHHOooP!

Also, with our own office-ashrama-cave, it is real opportunity to really see who we are, what is our devotion, psycho-physical nature. We have a chance to try things that we have wanted to do for 35-years and see what is the result. The main thing we want to try is to be a pure-devotee. Abandon all religion inspired by material or even spiritual  sources different from our own personal Dharma.

Japa Joe is a life-line for us now. We get 16-rounds done early and then after that we can do a lot of experimenting, actually follow our Sannyasa-dharma.

Is the same for you all?

Most important thing is we have to write. What to write? Hmmm, still not completely clear in terms of projects, but...  that is a very central issue because trying to do Writing Projects may be an even more basic problem, mistake.
There is a comment that Rudyard Kipling, Nobel Prize in Literature, could not write more than poems and short-stories. His novels are a collection of short stories, articles.

We chant our rounds. Our beads are our worshipable Deity. Four principles gross AND subtle. "In this Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement we require everyone to rise early in the morning, by four A.M.,and attend mańgala-ārati, or morning worship, then read Śrīmad-Bhāgavatam, perform kīrtana, and so forth. Thus we hold continuous activities in devotional service twenty-four hours daily. This is called sato vṛtti, or following in the footsteps of the previous ācāryas who expertly filled every moment of time with Kṛṣṇa conscious activities." NOI 3.

Full morning and evening program.

Sankirtan Partners - That very much grows out of this Blog. If you don't participate in this Blog then pretty much you are not a member of the ASA Cosmic Traveling Sankirtana Party.

Sankirtan Targets - (Targets?) People we are trying to preach too. They come from this Blog also. Academic and cultural groups. Wherever you go, whomever we meet...

...  O.K. Japa, Diary, Gayatri-sandhya...  [Pretty cold here now] We are adjusting.

[[Wonder if we will die from these spider bites. ]]