
11 years, 3 months ago by msrinu in Other

Hare Krishna Maharaj,

Please accept my humble obeisances, all glories to Srila Prabhupada and Gurudev.

It’s been a while that I came on to the blog and my sadhana is going well. At least I become serious in my chanting (most of the time I’m completing all my rounds in the morning) and my reading become regular.

              HpS - ASA -  AGTSP!   paoho.  Wow!    In Kali-yuga this makes you a Saint!!!   AgtSP!

With your mercy and blessings, I took a small step towards preaching and working with SARITA mataji (who is a president of BHAKTI YOGA club in VCU in Richmond, VA) in the Yoga club. We gather every Thursday, chant a round (just started) and go over Bhagavad Gita (As it is)

At present, they don’t have a regular preacher, so I’m attending (our Bhakti Vriksh is providing the prasadam and I’m taking that to club every Thursday) and got an opportunity to talk to these kids and understand their view of life.

So far I gave three classes and attend two (one given by SarvDrik Prabhu)

1.    One is on Yoga (what is Yoga, why, different type of Yogas and what is Bhakti Yoga – touched briefly)

2.    Why do we need to study Bhagavad Gita  and little back ground about Krishna/Arjuna (Maha Bharat – a bit)

3.    What is that we are all seeking (Happiness) – a little bit about senses and their functions and Soul?

We recently conducted a musical concert (Sacred Sounds, different tunes of Hare Krishna and other Kirtans – by Gauravani’s team) in VCU and distributed “Journey of self-discovery and meditation kits (around 200 I believe may be more)

Yagna Sankirtana prabhu (from Potomac temple, DC), who is instrumental in starting this Bhakti yoga club, got the feedback from Sarita and the students and spoke to me and appears like everything is good so far, and discussed about further classes.

Maharaj, at present, they don’t have any particular agenda what to cover etc. in this semester.

Please advise or provide some suggestions (most of them are 1st timers)?

Here is the list that I came up with, after discussing with couple of devotees and in other Yoga clubs etc (Touching on the practical side with Philosophy/spirituality as foundation)

1.    Nature and Modes of Nature

2.    Jiva tattva (self) and Vishnu tattva (supreme)

3.    Time and Karma

4.    Mantra Japa

Please correct or advise me, if I’m wrong or better way of go about this.

Waiting to hear from you…Maharaj.

Your Humble Servant

Subhala Sakha Das

Richmond, VA

..........  AGTSP.  So nice to hear from you!!!!  Was wondering what happened to all of you!!!!    Sankirtana result sounds very nice. What about just reading the Upadesamrta together? Going through a little bit each week. Little homeworkd assignment, and Srila Prabhupada's one volume bio-graphy. Those who are more serious can read in detail and then for others there can be a summary each week.

If you base it on those two books it seems it will be nice program.

Then you can also ask questions.

Kirtan, lecture, Kirtan, Prasadam!!