what is mind?

11 years, 3 months ago by harsh_horse in Special Category B

hare krsna maharaj, pamho, agtsp.
we have understood that we are thinking quite often that we are this mind, more often than that i am this body.

we had some discussion in node 3054. on this
-continuing to point that MS Word is an idea.  the intreseting part is that even though it is idea, it is represented by binary language in the to some storage device and transferred. so even software is transmitted through hard ware... every hardware has also some compatibility with range of software only.. it can not work with every software

           HpS - It can also be printed out on paper.   We could start C++ for example and go to Binary.           I "get" and idea?    Where does it come from?   No hardware involved.        We are continuously receiveing ideas, no?  A little perspective and it is obvious that inumerable ideas are coming and we ar accepting or rejecting.]

Now our question is
i]what is mind?
ii] how it effects intelligence ?
iii] How can convince any natural scientist that chanting clears the mind? ceto darpan marjanam.....
iv] chanting clears the mind or intelligence or both?
v] What are the signs of clear{mood of goodness} mind and intelligence ?
vi] what is the parallel of mind in spiritual world ?
vii] what is source of ideas ?

viii] What is link between desire and ideas?
sorry for asking so many questions, as u know with out any physical association, we are taking association of our mind, and surrendering to it. so we thought better to understand it.
hope this may help in dialogue ith Prog Carl G Jung.


             HpS - ASA ---  Jaya Srila Prabhupada, who has inspired our understanding of what is this world, how to use it as a ladder to Krsna-loka! 

Some one has just finished learning to count and do addition and subtraction and just starting fraction and asks what is calculous, how can it be applied. the answer is that he has to progress in the normal curriculm to  understand, no?

this is explained in second half of 2nd canto and then several times in third canto.

all we can expect is that hearing explntion in gita a natural scientst will  be satisfied with abc and want to learn to spell now.

yes, by mercy of lord caitanya, we can a taste of higher yoga level.

how do you understand this text and purport. mostly the text:
