Desde Chile

11 years, 2 months ago by Guna Manjari in Personal Sadhana Reports



Hare Krsna Guru Maharaja!

Thank you very much for your reply to my letter of October. Very inspiring about Houston Elementary School, hopefully here in Chile can do something similar one day, with Candrabhanu we thought it would be great to live in community with more devotees; find out from other countries living well, for example in Brazil.

Candrabhanu is finishing up the thesis, to finish his college career in social work, still working in a supermarket packing and Friday cooking for Srila Prabhupada Festival with two devotees, sometimes cooked for some parties and Vyasa Puja also, devotees trust their service as a cook.

For my part, I continue with the offering cooking service on Friday afternoon at SS. Gaura Nitai and Berfi and sandesh cooking for a week. Yesterday was exhausting but beautiful afternoon, as I cooked the offering so that he could eat subji maha prasadam, Bhakti Sundar Goswami Maharaja. Also Jagannatha, Baladeva and Subhadra have been all this week in the temple, since last Wednesday was the first Ratha Yatra this year and November 3 this Sunday will be the second and yesterday I also made preparations for Them. I was very tired and so I plugged it into Joe Japa Saturday.

Well, I wanted to mention that I'm going to sankirtan and we are coming out with Fernanda Leiva (aspiring start with you), she helped me a lot the first day, as sankirtan did long ago and she is an expert :) It has been very inspiring and enriching the sankirtan and sadhu sanga with Fernanda too, I'm very happy. Thank you very much for your blessings and enthusiasm to continue doing so. Finally, here I send you some photos, Ratha Yatra truck on Wednesday, one of SS. Gaura Nitai temple and another yesterday in the kitchen of SS Gaura Nitai when preparing Berfi and sandesh sweets.

I hope you are in good health. Thank you very much for your effort every day to give your association through Japa Joe.

Please accept my humble obeisances.
trying to serve, Guna Manjari dd

            HpS - ASA --- AGTSP....   Paoho. Is so nice to hear from you and about Candra-bhanu Das and everyone. We will be in Chile en less than 8-weeks, no?  It is nice to visit other Yatras. You can even make an arrangement to trade service with devotees. Some couple that wants to visit Chile can do your service and you can go to their country and do there service for some time.
Narada Muni visited all the homes of Krsna in Dvaraka to see the Grhastha life of Krsna in different places. Then we can appreciate our own temple much more. Get ready for Goloka!!!

Thank you so much for your association in our Japa sanga.
We can all be birds in Radha-Krsna's garden at lunch and sing together for Them!! !

Nice fotos!!