DTC Th(31)-6.17PM

11 years, 4 months ago by hps in DTC



Here we are in Houston still. We just answered a whole peck of letters with lots of news and content. We will do a summary of these meetings as soon as we reach our base in Tennessee.

It has been very very intense. There are always many emotional pains in doing Sankirtana. We expect that we will become more expert as time goes on. The fundamental thing is that there is great, great opportunity for Sankirtan, preaching, on a local and global scale at this time.

We have answered to the letters up to 1 week and 10 hours. No URGENT letters.

Now we have to look at Yahoo.

Take a quick bath.

Call our driver for tommorrow.

Chant six more rounds to our 26/day.

Give initiation to Bhaktin Govinda from Mexico.

Then we will have intelligence what we else we should do.

TOMMORROW we are booked in to Group B-4 for the flight o Tennessee at 4.50PM. Abhiseka will take us to see NGD, M. Matsya, and Radha - Natabara. Then we will go to our cave on the top of the hill about ten minutes away for the night.

Also tommorrow is skype with Abhrirama of Peru, BhaVai partner, Upendra, Hawaii SB class!

O.K. Yahoo, bath and temple!